I've been on amitriptylene for 20 years, mostly at the 25 mg dose. Last year I had breast cancer and during the entire chemo, then surgery, then radiation phase (about 9 months) I did not have one migraine. Two weeks after this was all done, I began experiencing migraines about every 2-3 days for at least three months. Despite diary entries about what I was eating, doing etc., the only constant was the already familiar barometric pressure changes. I feel it was my body weaning off all those cancer chemicals. I have sleep apnea and again amitriptylene is the drug of choice for doctors.
My doctor doubled my amitriptylene and about a month later the headaches subsided. I didn't want to go that route because of the weight gain. I had lost 20 lbs. during cancer treatments but I gained back 10 almost right away (I need to lose 100 lbs). It's been about 5 months now with good relief. I don't want to stay on this dosage so I did a bit of research and found one study done in 2013 that involved taking 3 g of melatonin and it showed the same relief as 25 mg of amitriptylene.
Two nights ago I took my first melatonin and slept really very well. The only problem was I woke up after 10 hours with a headache that lasted quite a few hours. I assumed it was from sleeping too long which is characteristic for me too. Last night I decided to drop to 25 mg, take a melatonin pill and so far. so good.
Anyone can comment on their experience?
Thank you.