I had migraines for more than 30 years and tried many ways to rid myself of them. About 8 months ago I was having 2-3 migraines per week. Like all of you I was at my wits end and decided to try one more thing (again). I went on a whole food 21 day purification program. It consisted of whole food protein shakes (3/day), whole food fiber, cleansing herbs, whole plant green food, as much organic vegetables as I wanted, only a small amount of fruit and basically nothing else except water and a little oil. At day 21 I was able to add 3 oz/day organic fish or chicken. At the beginning I had some headaches as my body was cleansing/detoxing from all additives, chemicals, flavorings, coloring, etc. Slowly I added back food items one at a time and observed how I felt. Basically this is an elimination method. In addition to all the usual triggers, I discovered that I am sensitive to mushrooms. Soon my migraines disappeared (almost...I've only had 3-4 in the last 8 months and 2 of them were after high altitude airplane travel). In addition, I lost 20 lbs and have not gained it back! I know you've all tried everthing to get rid of migraines, so I just wanted to let you know what has worked for me.
Almost Migraine-Free!: I had migraines... - National Migraine...
Almost Migraine-Free!

wonderful news, well done!! where did you get you info for your guidelines to follow??
I would love to try this apart from the fact that I am underweight so have always been unwilling to try extreme elimination methods to identify triggers =/
maybe as I get older my weight will sort itself out and I can try this =]
I went to a nutritional counselor who educated me on how to eat for a healthy digestive system. The program (Standard Process) she recommends is costly, but effective (at least it was for me). The Purification Kit can be purchased on the internet for about $175-$200. You have to know that I was very serious and stuck to the guidelines strictly, which meant no dairy, no wheat, no gluten, no sugar, no processed anything but again, as many vegetables as I wanted. On this program you can have 1/2 cup lentils or brown rice/day. It's not really as hard as it seems. My nutritional counselor also is able to check my specific allergies by using applied kinesiology (muscle testing), which I recommend. My plan is to do 2 cleanses per year and have just begun my 2nd one.
I had a partial hysterectomy (the doctor was able to leave part of one ovary) 30 years ago. I didn't go through menopause until was about 47,however I have been having hot flashes since then which is 16 years. I do think it's possible the hormonal fluctuations were a contributing factor to my migraines. I still get the hot flashes, but I think because I've done the cleanse/detox I rarely get a migraine now.
The York test laboratories do a reputable food intolerance test. It is expensive but much easier to identify problem foods and/or drinks. My whole family except for my youngest daughter are dairy intolerant, I'm also yeast,cashew nut and soy intolerant. I have voluntarily given up wheat after reading Wheat Belly by Dr William Davis. Also slightly intolerant to pino grigio so have to put up with just drinking Sauvignon blanc. Lol