I was prescribed amitriptyline 9 years ago to help prevent chronic migraines.Started on 10mg per night.Went up to 20mg per night about 5 years ago.Seemed to be working OK.Less frequent and I could function if I did have one instead of in bed.I have Graves disease and had a thyroidectomy last June. I had a resurgence of my migraines about a year before my thyroidectomy due to unstable thyroid levels and was prescribed 20mg proprananol 3x a day.This seems to have done the trick.Obviously the amitriptyline had stopped working and the GP didn't want to increase it.I am thinking of stopping it but when I tried once before I was very tearful and anxious and couldn't sleep.I did it slowly but obviously not slowly enough.I was thinking reduce to 15mg per night for about 6 months, then down to 10mg excetera.Has anyone stopped amitriptyline and can share their experiences?Thankyou.
Coming off amitryptyline.Any advice please. - Migraine Support
Coming off amitryptyline.Any advice please.

I've stopped Amitriptyline twice to have my children but I was going from 125mg a day to zero, so I was reducing by 10mg a week. It would be very hard to reduce slower than you already are by the sound of it, although I have heard of people so sensitive to Amitriptyline they've got a hold of it in liquid form so maybe you ask the GP about that?
Hello Cat00,Thanks very much for your reply.I just thought if it's stopped working why keep taking it,and the proprananol seems to be working for my migraines. Thanks for the idea about the liquid amitriptyline. I aim to go very slowly as last time I tried I was layed awake for hours and felt like crying at the drop of a hat.Best wishes to you.
Yes I was prescribed it for migraines too but it has no effect on them but I'm a life long insomniac and it gives me a sleep window I don't have normally so I'll probably take it forever! Although has been linked with cognitive decline/dementia my neurologist says my sleep is so poor that that's more likely so cause things like that long term anyway.
Hello again,yes that's what I'm worried about,dementia.I'm through the menopause but am having problems with getting my thyroid levels right after my op.I already go through everyone's name before getting the right one and have alot of brain fog which can be caused by low T3 levels.I just thought if I could get rid of one possible cause it might improve.I know you have to have quality of life now so it is a balancing act,I can see your point.Thanks again.
Sometimes, it’s the combination of meds that works. If the pain gets worse again while you’re weaning, you’ll know it was the combination that helped.
Hello mumbutterfly,I tried again but have gone back to my 20mg per night.I have been having what I think are silent migraines,aura but no bad headache for the past week or so.1 a day ,sometimes 2 so I've gone back to my usual dose. You are right that it could be the combination of meds that could be working.My thyroid meds are still not right ,so maybe is not the right time to mess with other things.