Hi there, I'm nearly sixty years of age, about 10 years ago I started to get headachs when I drank, not wanting to give up this pleasure entirely I stopped drinking what I was drinking, red wine mainly, and moved onto vodka tonic. After a while I couldn't drink these either, so I moved onto beer. Now I allow myself one beer a night, not a particularly strong one, and Nothing more. ( I still get headaches just not from the alcohol)
Now this also conincided with getting Virtigo, again about 10 years ago, after a series of treatments I found a good physician in New York who rid me of my problem, as far as the dizziness is concerned, and it has not reared its ugly head in 2 years, but I am wondering if the headaches are connected to the virtigo, I get a headache at least once a week which does not go until I take a Maxalt Melt, it is always on the left hand side of my head and it is a very dull, heavy pressure, pain, not the sort that puts me to bed but still impossible to function, so as I said I resort to Maxalt, I hate this pain killer.... it hurts my mouth and makes my heart beat fast, but it does deal with the pain.
So does anybody else have similar symptoms? Has anybody got any ideas what this might be. Believe me it's not diet.....except alcohol which obviously dries me out.
By the way, I also have to drink a large amount of water, about three to four litres a day otherwise I get ....... yup a headache!
Boring so say the least. And always needing a loo๐