Hi. I have suffered with migraine since my teens and Restless Legs Syndrome since I was about 40.
I'm currently on topiramate, I've been on it for a few years. 50 x2 / day. I take sumatriptan when I get a migraine and find it effective.
However, this doesn't really give me the control that I'd like. I still get, on average a migraine a week. I have already tried amitriptyline and I'm currently trying propanalol. Both have made my restless legs unmanageable.
My GP said when I started the propanalol that if this didn't work then I would be referred to a neurologist. Please can you folks tell me what the options are (in the UK) that a neurologist could prescribe? It would be extra helpful if you know, which would not make my restless legs worse. Virtually everything I've tried recently does!
I also have underactive thyroid (Hashimotos), IBS(C) (ie I have very low motility and I'm intolerant to lots of foods: gluten, dairy, maize, soya and a number of others), non epileptic seizures.
I'm not sure about botox or acupuncture because the last time someone tried acupuncture on me I had a seizure.