I had to put my cat down last night. She wasn't breathing normally and I took her to the emergency vet. I won't go into the details but she was suffering and there wasn't much to be done. I'm so sad. She was an amazing cat. She loved being around people, which isn't common for a cat. She cuddled whenever she could and she was so sweet. I adopted her about 8 years ago. When I picked her up at the adoption event she immediately laid down and fell asleep. That's when I knew she was the one. I miss her so much already. I know it will get easier but her absence is heavy on my heart right now. When you adopt a pet you know this is inevitable, but it hurts all the same. Even so I wouldn't dare trade those years I had with her to feel better now. She was my couch cuddle buddy. She lived in four different homes with me, stayed with me through career changes, meeting my husband, getting married. I had hoped she would be there when we bought a house, maybe have kids, but I know that was probably a long shot at her age anyway. I'll never forget how she made me feel and how much she was loved. I hope she knew it to.
Saying goodbye to a pet: I had to put... - Mental Health Sup...
Saying goodbye to a pet

sorry to hear about your beloved little cat our pets give us so much over the years its terribly sad when they are no longer here.heaven has another little furry friend.
Always such a sad time when we have to say goodbye. It is very painful. Animals bring us so much happiness and companionship. Sounds like your cat had a great life with you. P
I planted a lovely rose bush in memory of my last dog. Every summer it blooms beautiful pink roses. The rose is called you're beautiful. And she was.
Big hugs to you.
Hi I am so sorry as it's heartbreaking to have to say goodbye to a much loved pet. I have been through this too with my cats. The last one I was so distraught they gave me a towel to cry into. For the first 4/5 days every time I looked in the mirror all I saw was a cat murderer! Then all the lovely messages I got on here began to take hold such as your cat knew how much she was loved, to its the last loving thing you can do for her in making sure she didn't suffer. You had to think of her and not yourself as all dedicated loving pet owners do.
Sending you lots of lovely hugs 🧡🧡 xxx
My heart breaks for u,losing a pet is like losing part of ur family.Think of all the good memories u will now have n keep in ur heart.
So sorry I too have been through this such pain and heartache she knows how much you loved her and be gentle and kind to yourself it takes time as it is a big loss message if you want to God bless you both xx
So sorry I too have been through this such pain and heartache she knows how much you loved her and be gentle and kind to yourself it takes time as it is a big loss message if you want
to God bless you both xx
So sorry I too have been through this such pain and heartache she knows how much you loved her and be gentle and kind to yourself it takes time as it is a big loss message if you want to God bless you both xx
Sorry for your Loss, Pets become part of our family and nuzzle into our lives.
I remember when we lost Pip our first dog He was a massive miss and it was a times and much travel did we them adopt our Pax
Try and talk about your loss, you have begun the accept the loss by being here on site.
Take time before you get a new pet, you need time to grieve and move on