Hi, ive been referred to a mental health clinic for bipolar disorder. Does anyone know what to expect when I go to the appointment? What questions I’ll be asked, what I’ll be expected to do? I’m in the uk. Thanks
Bipolar: Hi, ive been referred to a... - Mental Health Sup...

Hello doglover123
Thanks for your message. Our members are very supportive, so may have some experience in of this kind they can share with you. Do bear in mind that these clinics may vary in procedure even around the UK.
They will want a detailed account of what has been happening in your life and the symptons you are having and the length of time you have had them and how they affect your life. Indeed if you can share some of this with us, our members may have more advice for you too.
Your GP may have a leaflet or be able to offer you more details on what to expect.
The appointment may vary from others as your situation will differ from other people with a similar diagnosis.
The topics and pinned posts might be helpful and offer more information.
Do get back to us and let us know how you get on.
Best wishes
Welcome to this site
They will talk to you and asses your condition in the first instance, possibly they will arrange a treatment pathway. They may also consider treatment, medications etc

Thank you for your reply
lol..I really hope your GP doesn't give you a leaflet! This is a severe mental illness.
I wish you the very best. Remember, it takes time to learn about this disorder and I have never stopped learning over 8 years. It tales a while to get meds right - if you need them.
Take care of yourself first.