Does anyone ever feel afraid to make mistakes . I feel like I have that problem
Afraid to make mistakes: Does anyone... - Mental Health Sup...
Afraid to make mistakes

Yes...we all make mistakes..and then we learn from them...

Sometimes I'm scared of like making small mistakes like dropping a cup or else it will shatter or something like that
What makes you have this fear?..I know when I was young I was to scared to do anything like that coz I would get told off..
What's the worst that could happen? Dropping a cup of tea would spill it on the floor and might even break the cup. So what?
I work as a volunteer in a charity shop and yesterday I knocked a basket of glasses to the floor with a crash. I broke 3 glasses. I apologised and helped clean them up but nothing dire happened. The sky didn't fall in or anything. It was just an accident. This happens coz we are human and you can never stop it occasionally. x
Yes but you should not dwell on them as you may turn out like me as I have anxiety issues over my weight Gail
I was the same way. Anxiety was through the roof because I was so afraid of making a mistake. Perfectionism was making me a nervous wreck. Then one day I managed to stop focusing on myself long enough to notice people around me made mistakes all the time and they just let it roll right off their back. Others corrected issues (sometimes very expensive) and moved on. Why couldn't I do that rather than freak out all the time? I slowly began to lighten up on myself. If anything went wrong it could be corrected. If it couldn't, that had to be okay too. Everybody makes mistakes. We are human. I had to get used to the idea of people seeing my mistakes. I also talked to my doctor and he helped me with symptoms of anxiety as well.
All the time, my Wife has given up complaining. I have two left feet and hands.
My problem I now forget what I was doing especially if it was done the day before.
I have always been that way, I used to look at people I knew as an Engineer and I could write something down and explain how to do the job. Sad all thumbs.
Hazel now prefers workmen to do jobs in the house. I sit watching TV or go into my Study.
Ok in the garden although now we contract out big heavy jobs
You sound normal !!!. Keep up the good work, work it to your advantage LOL
Hi there!! Do you constantly THINK about making mistakes? Or does it just happen? The reason I am asking this is because I personally think if you "think" you are going to make mistakes then chances are you will because you are almost willing it to happen. Its the same as if you tell yourself you are going to be rubbish at something then you probably will be because you are programming yourself to think that way so it stands to reason that you WILL be rubbish at something? (Sorry, I sound as though I am babbling but I hope you are getting the jist..LOL!).
Try not to think about things too much and just get on with your day. As someone posted earlier, people make mistakes every day but let it go over the top of their heads. I could understand your anxiety if say you were an airline pilot responsible for lots of people every day or a bus driver or someone like that, then, yes, a mistake could be fatal if you were to dwell on that kind of thing but small things..?? Maybe I just dont understand but maybe you are over-thinking a lot and thats why you are making these mistakes??
I wish you all the best in any case. I know to me this might not seem like a big worry, but I do appreciate that everyone's worries and anxieties are relevant to them, so please dont be offended by my post, I am maybe just a bit ignorant to your plight..