On Sick - SSP payments. Income Suppor... - Mental Health Sup...

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On Sick - SSP payments. Income Support/PIP/ESA?? So tired of it all :-( (I am new here)

Yorko profile image
8 Replies

Hi all

So this is a first for me on this site.

I am writing this feeling so drained and tired. I do not know where to go to next. I feel like I am at rock bottom. So here is my story.

Back in November 2017, I was sexually assaulted by a client of mine at work. I work in social care. This affected me but I carried on working regardless. The next month in December, I was physically assaulted by another client and I had concussion. I have been off work since. To begin with, I was off work with concussion but then this manifested with me having anxiety and depression. Since January this year, I have been on Statutory Sick Pay. I applied for Housing Benefit and that was an absolute headache as they messed me around and I had to make a complaint in the end for the council's treatment towards me. I was told in April that I can apply for a Income Support Top-Up alongside my SSP payments so I applied. Cutting the story short, I had to contact my local MP's office as Income Support took ages processing my claim, in total 8 weeks. So today, they have told me on the phone that I am not eligible as my SSP of £90 a week is too much. I was so upset, I said to her, why didn't anyone from Income Support just look at my payslip and tell me that I am not eligible, especially when I have waited so long. She couldn't give me a proper answer. So now I feel like why do I have to keep on fighting or chasing for this? I feel so lethargic and all this stress is too much. I have looked online and I have found out that you can apply for ESA 3 months before your SSP runs out. So I will call ESA tomorrow and start the claim. I have also applied for PIP last week. That was a headache as well trying to explain how your mental condition affects you daily. You name it, flashbacks, feeling panicky, overeating, constantly checking things are locked and switched off, every day feels like a chore.

Has anyone else had problems with applying for benefits?


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8 Replies

Hi I’m so sorry for your struggles.

Do get cab to assist in any form completing for ESA or PIP. The points system that is operated for these benefits can be tricky to say the least.I would strongly recommend CAB (make an appointment)or someone in your area that can assist with this. A good site to also help is benefitsandwork.co.uk ..there is some useful information here without membership, I did join as it’s not too expensive for a years membership..well worth checking out. The whole process for these benefits I found triggering and soul destroying, I’m sorry to say. So do reach out and get any help and support available to you.

Welcome to you , I’m glad you found us 🌼🌺🌼🌺 xx

Yorko profile image
Yorko in reply to

Thankyou very much. Will try them tomorrow. Thankyou for your kind words x

in reply to Yorko

You are welcome.

Just to add to that. If you are asked to go to a medical do take someone with you.

If you have the strength and concentration do read up the relevant information on those benefits, in the link I have put up. I understand it is very difficult, although some knowledge on how it works will help you in the long term ...

I wish you all the very best...xx

MAS_Nurse profile image

Hi Yorko,

Welcome to our supportive community. Well done for taking a brave step out of your comfort zone to reach out for help. Hopefully you will find folks here are only too willing to come alongside you and share from their personal journeys and experiences. You are obviously having a difficult time right now. I am not surprised that you have been on sick leave and that you are struggling. Have you accessed your community mental health team (CMHT) for help? If not maybe ask your GP for referral. Not only can they offer medication but there is a whole range of therapies available. Also have you been in touch with your Occupational Health dept connected with your employer, as again they should be offering you support at this time.

As Olivia 40 has suggested, contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) for free impartial benefits advice. citizensadvice.org.uk/ The benefits system is a minefield and getting expert advice is invaluable.

Do check out our Pinned Post section for free mental health guides etc.

As you live in the UK keep these crisis support helplines handy:

The Samaritans Tel: 116 123 [24 hours line]

NHS: 999 [Emergencies]

NHS 111 [Non-Emergencies]

MIND UK charity: Helpline Tel: 0300 123 3393 info@mind.org.uk Text: 86463 mind.org.uk/information-sup...

Keep in touch!

Best wishes,

MAS Nurse

Yorko profile image

Thankyou for your welcome.

I self-referred myself to the Talking Therapies back in March. They are NHS. I rang them last week and I am still on the waiting list for CBT therapy but they said I shouldn't have to wait too long. I haven't asked work about occupational health to be honest so I will email my HR Manager about that. Thankyou. I do not foresee going back to work for now. Let's just say I am not in a good place. My bulimia has come back and I am constantly checking things. I stood outside my front door checking my front door is locked for 5 minutes and a member of the public saw me and said "I think it is locked". I felt so embarrassed. I have a GP appointment on Wednesday so I will discuss it then as I have never, ever, talked about my anxiety over checking things. I have been on Sertraline 100mg since February but I don't feel a difference yet. I take Zopiclone and Mirtazipine to sleep but it tends to leave me dazed the next day. So tomorrow, I will go to my advice centre in the morning and then take it from there :-) xx

hypercat54 profile image

Yes. They make them deliberately hard to put you off making a claim. They say it's to cut out scammers but I think that's just an excuse to save money.

It often impacts most on those with mental health issues coz the stress and hassle can make you feel a lot worse. Keep going if you can and get any help available. You deserve it and I am sure you have paid your fair share into the system. x

hypercat54 profile image

Oh I will add most areas have a local disability group who can help with form filling and advice. I don't know your age but I think over 50's can access groups like Help the Aged and Age UK. I might be wrong on this so check it out online.

Don't forget you can also apply for council tax rebate too. Also most utilities have a form of Warm Home Discount that you can get on the grounds of low income and/or being on certain benefits. I have dual fuel with British Gas and I got £140 credit this year. x

Yorko profile image

Thankyou very much all of you for the information. I am going to go to the advice centre this morning. Will keep you updated. Have a nice day :-) x

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