Where is everyone??: This site has been... - Mental Health Sup...

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Where is everyone??

Holly101 profile image
73 Replies

This site has been really quiet the last few days, hope everyone's ok???

thinking of you all and hope everybody's ok,

Love, Holly Xxx

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Holly101 profile image
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73 Replies

Hello Holly

Been getting blogs today, although it does seem a little slow

All the best


CarmelaGrace profile image

I'm here. I've been away for the last two days travelling to different meetings in Glasgow and Edinburgh. Glad it's friday. I find travelling quite stressful, but I managed to catch up with some old friends too, and go out for a nice meal. x

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to CarmelaGrace

Hi Carmela good to see you here.ah it's nice to have

A meal with friends. You sound in good form. Where are you from

Originally ?

CarmelaGrace profile image
CarmelaGrace in reply to Photogeek

tbh I'm not really in good form - I'm just so used to pretending it's fine that sometimes I can't help it. I am from Scotland originally.

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to CarmelaGrace

I can relate to that , saying I am fine etc gets to be

A habit. . It's like default mode, instead of us saying " well how am I Feeling". . Do you think it's job stress or a

Mish mash of everything?

CarmelaGrace profile image
CarmelaGrace in reply to Photogeek

Job stress is definitely adding to it, although my general mood is low anyway. My job is up after the end of May, and I don't know if there will even be a post for me to reapply to. Also our gallery consultant is going behind my back about the next exhibition which leaves me feeling upset, angry and confused! Default mode is a good way of putting it - like acting or putting on a mask.

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to CarmelaGrace

That's hard when office politics come

Into play. Is there anyone you can talk to

In work about what's going on?. You have

A lot on your plate with your job ending, that is pressure, at least it's easier to get

A job when you have a job, so make the best of thus time to job hunt and stuff.

Try and switch off work worries and don't

Let them ruin your weekend.


CarmelaGrace profile image
CarmelaGrace in reply to Photogeek

Good advice photogeek. I'm going to try and buy a new camera this weekend so I can start taking photos again - I really miss it! (I broke my camera last year while trying to get a scenic view half-way up a craggy bit of rock...)

jillylin profile image

I pop in from time to time. Just coming up from a very low point.



Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to jillylin

Ah Jillylin, sorry to hear that. It's hard to come back up and

I suppose just be real gentle with yourself.

Hannah x

Photogeek profile image

Hi Holly I'm here. Yes it's been real quiet. I was supposed to have visit

From my friends 2 girls today, then their Dad phoned to say he would not be able

To make it. To be honest I was glad, as didn't fancy listen to one stroppy

13 yr.old.lol.

How are you Hun?

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Photogeek

Lol I was too late, I missed you all!!

Glad you didn't have to put up with a stroppy 13 year old lol, can think of better things to do myself ..

Hope you're havin a good day hun,

Spk soon, luv Holly Xxx

Stilltrying_ profile image

Hi Holly I am here !

How are you my little "detachable head" !:)

Which head you had on today?

Me I've had "Ms calm after the storm; not too bad head!" . Yesterday I was "Ms worryguts incorporated" little head. :)

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Stilltrying_

I know you poor thing, I read your pm.. Glad it's passed a bit.. I've got 'heavy anxiety head' on, it's doing my head in, but I don't want it done in, I want it off lol

Aw well, no such luck, just have to put up with it..

Take care n spk soon!

Love, Holly Xxx

Stilltrying_ profile image
Stilltrying_ in reply to Holly101

Oh Holly, I know how tough it can be sometimes and I think you are like me you try and put brave face on it and not tell the half.It is nice to be able to keep in contact with people on here though isn't it; just to have that connection. I wish I could do more to help. It's a slow road and we just do our best I guess xxx

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Stilltrying_

Oh you've no idea how much you help me anyway!! I don't know what I'd do without this site and the people on it, a few special friends especially, who have really gone out of their way to help me..

And you help me so much coz we've been in similar situations and it's such a help if somebody understands..

We've just gotta keep going though, and remember what doesn't kill us makes us stronger..!

Love, holly xxx

Photogeek profile image

I am tired head. It would be great to pick our heads from a Menu each day.

I would pick Mrs energy and happy head.lol

CarmelaGrace profile image
CarmelaGrace in reply to Photogeek

me too! I'd also pick the 'Feeling creative' head.

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to Photogeek

Or a detective head ;)

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Suzie40

Lol. Hi Lucy

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to Photogeek

Good day?

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Suzie40

Why a detective head? Xx

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Photogeek

Lol, wouldn't we all! ;)


Stilltrying_ profile image

I would have "Ms young and do it all again (differently!) head" :)

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Stilltrying_

ME TOO!!! Xxx

Stilltrying_ profile image

( I would probably choose that every day!!)

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Stilltrying_

Your post has disappeared!! It's in my inbox in my Hotmail account, but I can't find it anywhere on here.. I could read as far as Scottish poems...' than when I click on it to get here it's nowhere to be seen!

weird... Maybe it'll turn up one day ;) Xxx

Suzie40 profile image

There's a distinct lack of miserable people around these days! Thank god there's me to keep the misery alive! Katie and I have been making cheerleading videos all afternoon! Hope you're ok chick? X

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Suzie40

Where is Gambit tonight ? I miss her erudite replys. Not like my

Stream of consciousness stuff. Lol


Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to Photogeek

Well I now know that I'm not erudite, because I just had to look up what it means!!!

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Suzie40

Lucy .lol. Maybe Gambit wouldn't know either.

Well I am the elder lemon here after all. I am

Supposed to have studied English many moons ago.

I like words . We will ask Themys ? I am probably

A bit of a dilettante .

Ah my Mother used to say " your a jack of all trades

And a master of none" . Mam was very witty she

Had the funniest sayings.

Lucy you always make me laugh. I love a laugh.

ThemysciraDrive profile image

I'm at home watching the Best of Jack Dee's Happy Hour!

How are you Fantastic Miss Fox?

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to ThemysciraDrive

Hi Will how's it going? It's like a graveyard here tonight.

ThemysciraDrive profile image
ThemysciraDrive in reply to Photogeek

Bit up and down at the moment - how are you?

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to ThemysciraDrive

Haven't spoken to you for 257 years. How's stuff? X

ThemysciraDrive profile image
ThemysciraDrive in reply to Suzie40

'S alright. Seem to be very up and down at the moment, but better than being down all the time. How's your half term been?

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to ThemysciraDrive

You always have your glass half full don't you? Half term has been pleasant. Trying to keep busy to avoid having too much quiet time. Back to normality Monday. Looking forward to starting the new job?

ThemysciraDrive profile image
ThemysciraDrive in reply to Suzie40

Do I? I never really think I do.

Glad half term has been good. Had some quality time with the kids amongst it all? I am, but don't have a start date yet. Still waiting for my references to be returned before they'll finalise everything.

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to ThemysciraDrive

You do!! You always try and be positive and see a bright side in things.. great quality to have Will, and you aren't even aware of it!


Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to ThemysciraDrive


Were your parents delighted that you got new job?

It's hard to always keep on an even keel. My moods

Have been relatively stable , not jumping around but

Not down either. I guess it's mid point, I think I am

Getting better at just taking it day by day.

Of course I'm at a different life stage which has

Less stress too.

Themys you look after yourself as a new job could

Be stressful . It's a great confidence boost too.

I always knew you were very bright.

ThemysciraDrive profile image
ThemysciraDrive in reply to Photogeek

Aw thank you :) Yep they were glad.Glad you're feeling more stable, you certainly deserve it!

It's already stressful sorting out the pre-employment stuff! Ah well, it's nearly done now.

Holly101 profile image

Oh yous are good!! Nobody for days, I post a post, turn my back for a second and you all start chatting away! ;)

Good to see/hear from you all and that everybody's still here and reasonably ok!

I'm ok-ish too, it's sunny for a change.. Not that that makes any difference to me lol, just makes me feel more guilty

if I don't go out..

Nice to meet you Carmelagrace, a fellow Scott!

Hope everybody has a good weekend and it was nice reading everybody's wee chats ;)

I'm feeling really anxious, and its wearing me down!! That and a few other things, but I'm ok!! Honest!! lol

I think a lot of people (including me) don't wanna moan or be miserable, coz no-one else is, but remember

what this site is for!!

So c'mon give us some misery and problems, coz helping someone else makes you feel better too as it takes

ye away from your own head.. Well for me anyway..

I've got my anxious head on, I've been wanting to take it off for days, but it's bloody stuck!

It's coz the invention's still in it's early stages, it's not really working yet.. But one day we'll get there!

Take care everyone, and please be miserable and moan if you feel like it, but it is nice to see everybody

being reasonably ok! (that's if they're not lying through their teeth ;)

Love, holly xxx

CarmelaGrace profile image

Hi Holly, thanks for the welcome. Are you getting the same 'can't make up its mind' weather that I'm having? It was lovely this morning - blue sky and a bit of sun but now it's clouded over (just as soon as I start thinking about maybe pulling on some gumboots and going a walk....typical). Still they always say there's no bad weather, just the wrong clothes so maybe I should get my waterproof and go anyway. I have a new toy to play with - bought a camera this morning and it's charging just now. Looking forward to taking some photos.

Miserable and moaning? Hm, I've been feeling really stressed and anxious lately what with travelling and job uncertainty and stuff at work. I can generally put a good face on and act like everything's sunny, but the minute something happens it's like the last straw that broke the donkey's back and I'm back to crying in the toilets and telling myself to pull myself together. But it's the weekend, so I'm trying not to think about work.

Lucy and Photogeek - on the subject of erudite and 'big words' (lol) I was getting my hair cut this morning and we were talking about carbon monoxide (of all things) and I mentioned that the risk with electric heaters was from imperfect combustion. There was a silence and then 'well that's a big word for this early on a saturday morning...' then someone else chipped in with 'that's a big word for in here full stop!' Made me smile. I was a bit anxious about going to the hairdressers with all the people there, but the lady who does the cutting is really nice and chatty so that helped me feel better. Also getting hair cut - feels much bouncier now. Just need to wash it to put the curl back in it. I hate having it straightened - feels like ironing my hair!

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to CarmelaGrace

Hi CarmelaGrace (beautiful name by the way!),

Yep, 7 seasons in one day, it's turned pretty cold now, but still dry.. Same as where you are, sunny this morning, clouded over now.. usual.

Ow I love having a new toy ;) That'll keep you busy for the next couple of days, trying it out and figuring out how it works, enjoy and have fun with it!!

Good on ye for leaving the worrying til after the weekend.. nothing you can do about anything right now anyway, so enjoy the weekend (and your new toy ;), I'd love a camera!)!

If you feel like that at any time though, stressed, anxious, crying etc, remember we're all here,

and I'm only a click away if you want a wee chat!

Lotsa love, Holly xxx

Adorable1 profile image


It's true Holly we don't like to say we feel low, well I'm going to say my anxiety is at an all time bad...I feel vulnerable and hate going out on my own...for fear of bumping into people I know, as I'm paranoid that I've changed...I'm trying and have some things in place like a course of mindfulness , even that's giving me panics though....it makes me feel lonely but I also don't want people around, drives me mad!!

Instead of saying I'm ok, which is what I usually do, I'm not ok, I feel lonely and sick and tired of myself.....aside from that I'm ok :) hope you are ok x

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Adorable1

So's mine Sue!! It's not been this bad for a while and I hate it, it's like a constant knot in my stomach and a feeling of complete fear and dread and impending doom about nothing in particular..

It's at its worst in the morning when I wake up, just the thought of having to get through another day like this..

I'm just hoping it'll pass for both of us as soon as, or at least get a bit less intense, and good on ye for

being honest about how you feel!

Saying you're ok when you're not'll get ye nowhere..

I'm with ye in thoughts and feelings Sue, try n stay strong, and lets just hope it'll get better soon..!

Lotsa love, Holly xxx

Adorable1 profile image
Adorable1 in reply to Holly101

Yeah I totally sympathise Holly it's dreadful!!

Good to be honest on here though makes it feel better as it's not often I can be honest.

I'm hoping it passes for us both soon

Love sue xx

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Adorable1

|'m feeling slightly better today but that might be coz its Sunday and I know I don't need to do anything.. Still had that first-thing panic thing as soon as I woke up, but

once I realised it was Sunday it eased a bit..

You know another thing that really freaks me out; the phone!! I jump out of my skin when it rings and I hate answering it or phoning things..

I just hate talking on the phone, god knows why.. Texting is the way forward lol

Hope you're feeling a bit better today too Sue, thinking of ye,

Love, Holly Xxx

Adorable1 profile image
Adorable1 in reply to Holly101

Hiya Holly, I understand all you say. :)

I made myself got to church today, I've never been particularly religious, but it's a place I feel comfort able and I stayed and had coffee after. We stand up in a foyer for coffee it's not a sit down thing so I feel comfortable with it.i think the main reason is because you can leave when you want without looking rude or anyone trying to get you to stay. I'm glad I went..I find it so difficult to make small talk and I have a lack of concentration.

So glad your feeling better today :) xxxxxxxx

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Adorable1

Yeah, I know what you mean, don't think any of us on here are that keen on small-talk lol, was just talking about that with someone else

the other day on here..

good on ye for going to church, it's nice to have somewhere you feel

safe and comfortable and don't have to worry about anything for the time you're there..

That's how I felt when I was in group at my day-program, but then as soon as it finished, wham, it would hit me again as I had to leave that safe haven and go back out in the big bad world, even if it was only a couple of hours (that's how long the groups lasted)

Hope you have an ok day the rest of the day hun, spk soon,

Love, Holly xxx

Adorable1 profile image
Adorable1 in reply to Holly101

Yeah I think we are all too intelligent for small talk hahaha...

Aw hope you maybe get some more safe groups to go to Hun.

Hope the rest of your day is peaceful

Love sue xxxx

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Adorable1

Lol, that's what it is!!! We're all geniuses! (I don't even know how to spell the word, shows ye what a genius I am ;) )

Hope you're day's peaceful as can be as well,

Big hug, Holly xxx

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Adorable1

Sue I'm so sorry that your anxiety is bad. It's very hard when your feel

Anxious, I went through that for years and I used to hate meeting

People, if I saw a neighbour I would cross the road and if I was in Supermarket and saw someone who worked in my building , I would

Be peeping and dodging around the aisles.. I would run out without half

My stuff. Talking about it now it sounds so crazy and irrational,

It was horrific

Sue I hated if someone asked me how I was , I used to look so

Pale and stressed and felt everyone could see right through me.

I was a wreck and if I was feeling awful and was asked

" How are you"

I would say " oh I have felt better" . Most people didn't have a

Clue and I suppose I cNt blame them.

Sue please take care of yourself and get plenty of sleep

As that anxiety is very tiring.

Hannah x

Holly101 profile image

Lol I believe ye Bev ;)! I'm having trouble with this site myself at the mo (or it's this piece of s**t laptop),

I got a reply off someone but I'm damned if I can find it..!!

Ahh bloody technology..

Suppose I should be grateful for it, or I wouldn't have all yous!! :)

Love, Holly Xxx

Holly101 profile image

There's a ghost on this site that's hijacking posts!! Could you please do something about that admin?

thank you ;)


Stilltrying_ profile image

Hi Holly, and guid eenin. I did post up something but I deleted it as soon as I had posted it as looking through the poem again I had realised that the story was not exactly what I thought it had been (I had thought it had a happy ending but it didn't ; felt the post would be upsetting so removed it) Obviously I didn't quite understand the Scottish accent completely the first time I listened to it! :) It is a lovely poem but a sad one; its called A Bonnie Fechter by Sheila Temperton and its on you tube if you want to have a look . I have been looking a few Scottish phrases this afternoon as AOD is a Scottish site I thought it might be nice to learn a few. So I guess I could say Whit's new? and (well I forgot the rest but its very interesting; gonna keep looking.) I know you're not originally from Scotland but I expect you have picked up the language? Know any good phrases I could learn? (nothing rude please!:)) Any otherScots (or not) on here know any Scottish phrases/ expressions I can learn? And I guess I mustn't forget the Welsh and the Irish either or I'll have people complaining! Want to know some Brummy phrases by the way? I live near the blackcountry as they call it which is close to Birmingham. A phrase they use here is "How bin you kid?" which means "How have you been " of course. Gemmalouise x

CarmelaGrace profile image
CarmelaGrace in reply to Stilltrying_

I'm a Scot! We've just started doing a Scots language course at my work - taking in the history and literature and so on. It's interesting to know that there are so many influences on the language - French, Germanic languages, the Scandinavian languages too. Things like birk (beech), kirk (church, and kist (chest) all come from a Scandinavian root; things like fash (bother) and sybie (spring onions) come from the French.

Stilltrying_ profile image
Stilltrying_ in reply to CarmelaGrace

That is really interesting Carmela. Sounds like a fascinating course you are doing. I find language and the way it evolves extremely interesting.You looking at the history of the language and literature too that will be a really rewarding course I would imagine.

CarmelaGrace profile image
CarmelaGrace in reply to Stilltrying_

I had to miss the last evening class, but I'm hoping to get to the one next wednesday. I will let you know how it goes. I imagine we will be looking at Barbour's The Brus, Blind Harry's Wallace, and then Ramsay, Fergusson and Burns before looking at some of the more 'modern' Scots writers such as Liz Lochead et al. I really like language and words - if you are interested in Scots you should try looking at the Dictionary of the Scots Language (dsl.ac.uk/ ) - it has examples from literature for the words to set them in context.

Stilltrying_ profile image
Stilltrying_ in reply to CarmelaGrace

Yes have looked at that link ,looks good,thanksx Looking forward to hearing how your course goes x

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to CarmelaGrace

I know Liz Lochead, she used to buy the Big issue of me!! So I don't really know her lol, but I've met her a good few times!

Holly xx

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to CarmelaGrace

I know you're originally from Scotland, do you still live here?

I'm not originally from Scotland (was born and raised in Amsterdam but left when I was 18),

I love the Scottish language and the people, and I've been here so long I feel like a Scot..

I definitely don't feel Dutch anymore! I even struggle to still speak the language lol

My mum says even when I speak Dutch I speak it with a Scottish accent lol, how mad is that..

Hope you're having a good day CarmelaGrace,

Love, holly Xx

CarmelaGrace profile image
CarmelaGrace in reply to Holly101

Yes, still live here! It's raining at the moment. lol. Do you think there are any words in Dutch that are similar to Scots words? Would be fun to find out.

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to CarmelaGrace

Yup raining here too.. I'm in Glasgow,where are you? Eehm leme think, words that are similar in Dutch.. there is a few, but I can't think of any of the top of my head! Soon as I remember any I'll get back to you ;) Xxx

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Stilltrying_

Ahaa, that's how a cudny find it! Woulda been arite but, a can handle a not so happy ending ;)

I've defo picked up the Scottish lingo, as it's basically the way I learned tae speak English..

My English wis dreadful before I left Amsterdam, jist wit a learned in school, 'what's you're name', an that sort of stuff, jist the basics..

Am writing this in Scottish fir ye lol, cany think of any phrases, apart from; 'It's a brot liht theniht' , lol, meaning it's a broad lit night tonight.

How bin you kid would be 'how ye been kid', jist swap it aboot a bit..

Hope you've been able tae read this ;)

have a good Sunday gemmalouise,

Love, Holly Xxx

Stilltrying_ profile image
Stilltrying_ in reply to Holly101

Hi Holly, yes I can understand it! Thenk ye fo ye message! I'm struggling a little, just fed up of being lonely but getting through. Been raining here today.Weekday routine for what it is should be bit better for me. Hou's aw wi ye? Hope your ok.

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Stilltrying_

Ur welcum lol Yup, rainin here too, grey, wet n miserable.. I'm ok.., just having a lazy

Sunday.. Got dressed and ready and all that then ended up doing nothing.

Hope you're having a good day :)

Luv, Holly xx

Stilltrying_ profile image

Meant to say as well Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus i Bawb to Lucy and all the other Welsh people on here as it is still (just) St David's day. Lovely pic you put up Lucy . Gemmalouise x

Photogeek profile image

Hi Holly. .


Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Photogeek

Aw hi Hannah, must've just missed ye, AGAIN!! Xx

Photogeek profile image

Hi Holly was awful wet here this morning and now it's ok. I am sitting Down

As am in lazy mood. Hope March brings better weather. I feel your like a

Scotswoman Holly, and the Scots/ Irish are very close. They are both mad.lol

I used to go there as a child and I dint know what they were saying half the time,

But people were so friendly.

Hannah x

Holly101 profile image
Holly101 in reply to Photogeek

Lol, I was the same when I first got here, couldn't understand a word of what they were saying! Might as well have been Chinese to me lol I picked it up pretty quick though, and now it's like my 1st language.. I think in English (well, Scottish ;) ), and really struggle to think of a lot of Dutch words, and say everything in the wrong order and stuff like that when I speak it..

Yeah, Scotts and irish are very similar, mad, same sense of humour etc.

That's probably why we get on so well! :)

It was the other way about here, started of dry and quite nice, but now its wet and grey again.. probably came from your way and our weather went up your way!

Yeah, I love the Scots, think they're very friendly, very different from Dutch people!

When my mum came over she couldn't believe how friendly and helpful Scottish people

are :)

Love Ya Hannah, Xxx

Photogeek profile image

Bev Hiya , yes I had trouble too. Sorry I wasn't able to

Help with Windows as I have a Mac. I have forgotten all my

WIndows stuff.

How was your weekend?

Not what you're looking for?

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