my psychiatrist knows I am very suici... - Mental Health Sup...

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my psychiatrist knows I am very suicidal and have nearly died through suicide 3 times,I've stressful life circumstances she is failing me

bella123 profile image
6 Replies

she has caused me serious distress and failed in her duty of care. Recently at an Intensive Day Unit Staff suggested I could change my psychiatrist but keep my lovely care co-ordinator. the psychiatrist is 'claiming' no other psychiatrists in my sector will take me on their books and I would have to change sectors losing my care co-ordinator and going miles away to one of two possible centres which I would have difficulty getting to especially as iIl have been so ill i have had to go to day units she also says I will have to go through the medical director i think she is doing this deliberately making my life harder how can I resolve it, its causing me so much distress and making me more suicidal. Please advise me how to get local care I am not coping with a divorce and bereavement and keep feeling very suicidal

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bella123 profile image
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6 Replies
Suzie40 profile image

I'm sorry you're going through such a tough time of it just now. Can I ask in what ways you feel she has failed you? X

bella123 profile image

issues regarding not taken action to help me when clearly at risk, Other staff have been quite shocked and advised me to change but she is making my life harder for me and i am afraid she may behave in a similar way in failing in her duty of care she is also a bully and i have contacted pals who have said I should have complained about previous issues

Aurora-auspice profile image

I am so sorry to hear the level of distress you are suffering! I really sympathise! Is there any way your care coordinator or other trusted support worker could accompany you to an appointment with the psychiatrist to advocate for you. It is often very difficult Nader duress of the depression and anxiety to be able to communicate your needs and wishes clearly especially if you perceive any negative feedback real or just misunderstanding. I know it is for me anyway and that is when an advocate or key worker or social prescriber (I think that is the title) even trusted friend from Mind or Survivors or a counsellor I can discuss possible approaches with beforehand although it's better when they are actually there and then they step out of the room when you feel uncomfortable if you've dealt with the issue and are moving onto something you wish to keep private. Does any of this make sense? I am not that eloquent! I was doing a counselling course at uni and it involved work placement for students and the second years were happy to advocate for people professionally supervised by senior counsellors and still operating under the rules of professional conduct and ethics ... Confidentiality etc.

My only friend has a similar history to the brief outline above and she is spiralling downward again at the moment which is very difficult to know how to help.

take care and I hope you find help and peace to soldier on with the quest, in search of that holy grail .... A life free of depression! Xxxoooxxx


I do not know exactly what your best route is but I do think there will be a way of seeking advice within the NHS about how to deal with this issue. Presumably you are seen by the psychiatrist at a hospital or she is attached to a hospital and sees you in the community and I am wondering whether the hospital has a Patient Liason Officer or similar. You could google the local health authority and look on their website for a patient complains/advice manager or you could google the particular hospital to find whether there is a similar person or PLO - there will be a route for your enquiry, unfortunately it is different for different hospitals.

I am NOT suggesting you have cause for a formal complaint because I do not know whether you have - I realise you feel she has neglected your needs but proving that within mental health services is notoriously difficult. What I am suggesting is that there may be a way of chaning psychiatrists whilst retaining the care coordinator. If there is not then you will have to choose - take the whole package of psychiatrist and her care coordinator or change psychiatrist and have to try your luck with the coordinator who is attached to your new psychiatrist. That sounds harsh I know but is the reality of the way services are set up and we all know (I hope) that we can't change reality - we can protest and vote but that is all.

Sorry. That sounds harsh, but there isn't any point in offering you sympathy for something and setting up your hope that by knowing it was wrong it can be changed, because sometimes things cannot be changed.

Do talk to someone first within the NHS to get the best advice for your specific situation.


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Hi again

One other thought is that it is unethical and unprofessional as well as being unhelpful of any health service staff to comment about fellow professionals - they should simply have told you the route to seeking advice as I have, they will know the route you might take. If you trust them I would go back or phone them and ask them.


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Sorry again - my head isn't in gear yet!! What about asking to talk in person with the Medical Director about your situation and how you might resolve it - that way you will be seen as the reasonable person you are - a patient trying to find a solution to a problem that you are finding meotionally difficult and that is interfering with your recovery and care!


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