Hello Everyone,
I'm a trainee Clinical Psychologist conducting research on Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness (PDoC).
People who have a family member with a Prolonged Disorder of Consciousness after a brain injury can face many challenges. We recognise that these challenges are often shared by the whole family.
I am reaching out to the menshealth community, as we are seeking participants who would be willing to share their experiences of having someone close to them with a Prolonged Disorder of Consciousness (PDoC), such as being in a coma for over 4 weeks following a brain injury.
If you're a male family member or close friend of someone who has experienced this in the UK, please reach out at [w026427l@student.staffs.ac.uk] to share your experience and support our study.
Thank you, please share this with anyone you think may be interested, and see the attached research poster for further details.