Hi, I’m a porn addict only really recognised this myself a while ago. Wondered what help is out there, heard of the 12 step programs or habit changing programs. Anyone out there been in my position?
Porn addiction: Hi, I’m a porn addict... - Men's Health Forum
Porn addiction

There’s always support out there try looking on this site mate see if it helps
How old are you? What makes you think your addicted
Let’s put it this way I can’t stop thinking about it, I search for it and my tolerance is getting higher. Believe me when I say, this could end in tears one day. Thanks for the tip on support appreciate it.
Oh yes 47 Colin.
There are several 12 step programs saa, sa, slca All of these groups are based on the aa program
You need to find a which of these group will work for your lifestyle.
Thanks researching them.
Start with talking with a therapist. This addiction is not that dissimilar to other addictions and in the realm of a good therapist to treat. But there is no snap your fingers cure. It took you time to get addicted and while you are watching your brain behaves differently. It is easy to say "just stop" but addiction doesn't work that way.
There are some things you can do to start. First, delete any accounts you have with porn sites. It takes a positive effort to reenable them which makes them harder to use. For the free ones, use some kind of child filter on your devices and block those sites. Yes, you can reenable them but again that takes positive action which makes you pause to think.
Try not to put yourself in a place where you can cruise such web site. Leave your devices in a place where there are other people. Don't take the with you to a private place. You don't mention your relationship status or age but, when you go to bed leave your phone in the kitchen. In the evening be in the den with people not hiding in your room.
You can probably think of other steps. Mostly develop other more productive habits. Take a good run in the afternoon which burns off some of the same stressors and porn watching. Go out more with friends or family to fill in empty time which might lead you to porn. If you feel yourself being drawn to porn, have an orgasm before you start. Nothing kills a guys sex drive for a time like an orgasm.
But, find a therapist. Look for support sites. This isn't something is going to magically go away. You aren't the only person with such a problem. There is help out there.
i was porn addicted once upon a time,i know it's how hard, here is my personal suggestion keep in mind you have the ability to control your thought, you can think whatever you want just stop thinking about sex think something else, and spend too much time with family.
It's about maintaining a balance of awareness and attention on what you want to make happen. Work out what you'd be missing out on if you continue. Recognise what loss or damage you are concerned about. Then, having identified them, don't dwell too much on them. Instead of focusing on the negatives, aim to make the positives happen. An analogy might be that to drive safely along the road you have to keep in mind the dangers of steering off the road, but to keep on the road you need to focus mainly on the road, not the sides of the road. Focusing too much on the sides of the road is more likely to send you off the road. What we focus on is what we make happen and therefore get more of.