Day 8 today and another stitch has fallen out ?! Is this too early or is it normal ??
Stitch fallen out !!!!: Day 8 today and... - Men's Health Forum
Stitch fallen out !!!!

It is completely normal.
Are u sure ? It’s from the frenulum side...? And it didn’t look like the stitch has dissolved at all ...
That is the normal way how your body rejects foreign objects.
Yes but it’s worrying for me and the fact it looks like my stitches are stitched to my head ? Look at my other post and see what bucky85 has put he’s saying it’s mutilated!! Which isn’t gunna help my mental state tbh
If you are so worried that comments from posters aren't calming you down, the only thing you can do is contact your doctor and ask for advice there.
General advice, ignore Bucky85. He is a well know anti-circumcision poster that isn't here to help but instead force his views onto others with baseless claims, false data and generally same 3 videos over and over. He sometimes makes me think he goes around hospitals collecting discarded foreskins (though there are some people that think circumcision is a ploy to get men's foreskin for research and medicine, and these people are allowed to vote (facepalm)) and keeping them somwhere safe in his stash.
Stitches have done their job anywhere from 10-14 days and dissolve. Yours might be healing and dissolving faster. Generally a broken stitch isn't really of much concern unless it happens few days right after OP. Day 8 seems ok.
Okay thankyou for a positive comment means a lot, and yeah but two stitches have come out ? Not jjsy one and they look like they haven’t dissolved they still look full? Can I send you a photo of it ?
I am not a doctor, I can only provide you with my personal opinion that isn't based on any medical training or experience. You can send a picture and I may tell you whether I think it looks fine or not, but that does not mean it is one way or the other. Send a message if you like, but as I said, it is my personal opinion and not a medical one. If you are that worried whether it is ok, you should be consulting with your doctor.
Going by the wound on my knee at the time they come out as they dissolve under the skin. They don't dissolve above it.
My circumcision stitches are still there after 10 days however I've purposely limited water exposure as I'm older and need more time to heal.
If the stitches are coming out and not being followed by significant blood then you are OK.
Its all normal...Don't worry
Its all normal....All the stitches will be out in let say in 14-16 days from the date of surgey....Just keep the area infection free and apply antiseptic cream if u want
It’s very common to start losing stitches after a week.
As long as the wound isn’t opening up there is nothing to worry about.
Just keep the area clean to avoid infection.