I had a circ done last December and I am doing well but I some scar tissue and soreness around the cut. Is that normal?
Scaring on cut line: I had a circ done... - Men's Health Forum
Scaring on cut line
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Since we cannot see it we can hardly say whether it is "normal" or not. As for the incision part itself, yes it can be normal for it to be still somewhat sore and "scarred" as it will clear in time. Mind you it might take years before your penis looks the same as a penis of a man circumcised at birth.
Looks normal to me, it can take up to a year for the scar to settle down.
Looks very neat, was this NHS or Private?
It looks good though, but can you vividly detail to us how your journey was from December to now?
Did you do salt baths?
How often sid you get erections?
Di your stitches ever break early in the game before dissolving?
How much did you swell?
How did u dress in public or at work starting with your2nd week of recovery?
Well the first few days was tough for me and when I unwrapped it for the first time the bandage stuck to my skin and I popped a stitch. The stitches dissolved and I didn’t have anymore pain just the sensitivity when the cut was. Not much swelling and I went back to work after two days but was very uncomfortable when my head rubbed against my underwear. Overall better than I expected it to be to say I am 64 years old.