Hi I’m 14 and I can’t pull my foreskin back it seems like it is clued together at the end I can pull it back a little but not right back over the head I have no trouble urinating and it doesn’t hurt either I want to tell my parents but I feel to embarrassed to say anything what should I do to fix it and does it effect penis growth.
Can’t pull foreskin back: Hi I’m 14 and I... - Men's Health Forum
Can’t pull foreskin back

It is relatively normal for you to not be able to retract your foreskin in your early teens. Some men are able to early and others have trouble well into their 20s or later. It isn't ideal to wait so long, however I would suggest giving it some more time, upwards of 2 or so years, and see if it helps.
During this time, I would gently stretch it - do not force it - be gentle and consistent. With enough dedication and time the skin will loosen and detach allowing you to retract your foreskin. There should be no effect on penis growth from the description you provided nor is penis size as important as many make it out to be so don't worry about it too much.
If it doesn't you can always visit the doctors and talk to your parents. It may be awkward, but you are far from the first person to have this issue.
Okay thanks
The first time I retracted mine it was a accident. I was jumping on the trampoline and some how the perfect conditions happened where my underwear pulled my foreskin behind my glans. I was in pain ran to the restroom and saw the damage for the first time. I was a sophomore in high school. I always had tight foreskin and eventually got circumcised.