I am conducting research for my Masters dissertation at the University of Chester titled: High-Stake Lies: Effects of Sex and Emotional Intelligence Traits in Accurately Detecting Real-Life Deception.
I am particularly looking for men to participate in my research.
The purpose of this research project is to investigate emotional intelligence traits, sex differences and deception in real life, high-stake situations - specifically people making appeals for missing or murdered relatives.
Should you choose to participate, you will be asked to complete an emotional intelligence trait questionnaire, consisting of 30 questions. The questionnaire is designed to measure emotional intelligence as a personality measure and is non-diagnostic.
You will then be asked to watch a series of twenty video clips of footage of people making public appeals for help with missing or murdered relatives. The video clips may contain emotional content, as they will feature people appealing for missing or possibly murdered relatives. The clips have a similar content to what may be viewed in a news programme, however if you think you may find this distressing you should not continue. After each clip has been played, you will be asked to state if you believe the person is being deceptive or truthful.
This is not a diagnostic measure and you will not be given any results when taking part. The study is entirely computer based. It should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Due to the use of videos in the research you will need to have sufficient hearing and visual abilities in order to watch and hear the content.
There are no intended benefits in taking part in the experiment.
However taking part will greatly help me, and expand and add to knowledge in this area of research.
Please note that all data collected is anonymous so you will not be asked for your name or any other personal details.
Please email me on 1427187@chester.ac.uk and I can send you the link.
If you have any questions please contact me and I will try to help.
Thank you for your time,
Kate Miller
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through The University of Chester – The Department of Psychology Ethic’s Board