I am 19 days post circumcision and not even a single suture has fallen out yet. The threads look loose with a knot visible. Do we need to pull them out ourself or will that come out on its own ? Any hack to make them fall by themselves?
Sutures not falling - Circumcision - Men's Health Foru...
Sutures not falling - Circumcision

Stitches can take up to 4 weeks to come out depending on what type has been used. Try soaking your penis in a warm salt solution to try and speed things up and that will also help healing and prevent infection.
Hey there, resist the temptation to cut or pull any of your stitches. They will fall out. I had dangly ends all over the place until week 5 when the final one fell out. Your body will eject the material - salt washes were good and soothing for this. Boil water, let it cool down, mix in a tablespoon of salt, dip your penis head in for 10 mins, let air dry or hair dry gently. You must use cooled boiled water though, not hot tap water. You got this, pal. We're all here.
Agree. Don't pull them out. It took a few weeks for some to fall out (I had one work it's way to the surface over two months afterwards). I felt like mine took way longer to fall out than I had anticipated. Sometimes there's a knot that gets underneath the skin that has to dissolve more to work it's way out. If an end was poking out I would trim it so it wasn't so uncomfortable but I wouldn't pull them out, especially this early on.