since being diagnosed with an enlarged prostate I’ve taken Tamsulosin and finasteride. I no longer get erections without a lot of work my ejaculate is clear watery and I think I’ve lost about an inch in erect length. given the reduction in testosterone the tablets are trying to do I suppose my side effects are to be expected my query is am I normal in getting such issues. Are others getting the same results?
Penis Health: since being diagnosed... - Men's Health Foru...
Penis Health

Sorry to hear about your problems. The side effects you are experiencing are, sadly, quite usual. Tamsulosin is an alpha blocker and relaxes tissue through reduced blood pressure. The main cause of your side effects is finasteride which inhibits the production of dihydrotestosterone, a more potent form of testosterone. Neither drug, as far as I am aware, reduces your testosterone level.
5mg daily tadalafil (cialis) is licensed in the UK for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia/hypertrophy. Maybe you could discuss swapping this instead of tamsulosin with your doctor. It could also improve your erections.
I used to take Tadalafil it was really good 10 mg was sufficient but I have heart issues and take a half tablet of Chemydur 60XL and any make of erection creator is banned but thanks for the thought I’m 72 so should I be grateful for a good sex life in the past and just quietly give up ?
72? No, be grateful for a good sex life SO FAR but you're only 72. If the erection problem is truly caused by the BPH medication,have you explored other kinds of meds or surgical intervention for the BPH? In my experience tamsulosin is fairly benign so presume it's the finasteride causing the erection issue?
I understand your sad predicament. Never give up hope!
I have posted about urololift procedure for BPH. Take a look at those posts and comments
I was once on Tamsulosin, but occasionally I got a bit dizzy (when suddenly standing up ) on it so was changed to Xatral (Alfuzosin). I then had Finasteride as well. I recently had a successful TURP and on stopping both tablets, I feel much more normal. I get morning erections better firmness when I want to masturbate and have more normal libido, so feel more like I felt when I was in my forties now. I know not everone recovers this well so I feel very fortunate.
Thanks for that. How long did it take to get over the TURP
The ability to urinate with a free flow was immediate. I had 2 nights in hospital to make sure I was OK without an indwelling catheter, then I had a bit of discomfort and pinkish urine for a couple of weeks. I didn't notice the return of libido till 3 weeks or so after stopping the 2 medications I had been prescribed for so many years, but gradually started back masturbating every few days, with rests in between, and although my ejaculate is still less than in my thirties (dribble rather than spurts) and clear rather than whitish, there's no sense of retrograde ejaculation (which was also an effect of Tamsulosin). It's now 8 weeks since the procedure and I wouldn't know I'd had any prostate problem at all.
Hi there, after 15 years with enlarged prostate, I finally decided it was time to do something about it and I've just started tamsulosin so it's interesting to hear how people are reacting to it. Some of your side effects are as advertised (
With regard to penis length, my guess is that is not connected to your medication. To my dismay, I found I lost two inches from my erection about a year ago. Initially, my erect penis started sticking out to the left but has straightened. I think it's probably age-related and suspect it may be quite common, but you don't hear much about it because people don't like to disclose it.
I'm 71.
I have noticed since starting tamsulosin, my flaccid penis is bigger and my balls hang lower too. No difference in erect size.
I’m 66.
This is a fascinating discussion.
I'm sorry for those suffering in any way.
I was diagnosed with BPH a few years ago and was prescribed Tamsulosin. Although it did seem to help, my wife didn't like the retrograde ejaculation.
She didn't actually say so, however, I think that she suspected that I was fibbing about having orgasmed as there was no physical evidence apart from the loss of erection.
I stopped taking the Tamsulosin and resumed ejaculating normally. My BPH seemed to subside, as I didn't have any symptoms any more.
Last year, I noticed issues so went to my doctor. She examined my prostate and told me it was smooth, but so big that she couldn't reach it all.
She prescribed Alfusozin and Finasteride.
I was having a discussion with an online friend and the subject of size came up. This got me thinking about erection quality and erect size.
I measured my erect length and was shocked to find that it was barely six inches.
In my prime, about a decade ago, it used to be over eight, so I have lost two inches. Admittedly, I have put on quite a bit of weight over the past decade or so, which will account for some of the loss, as I was always very skinny. I know that age will have an effect, I'm 62, however, reading the comments, perhaps the drugs are having an effect too.
My libido has gone through the roof over the past year. I masturbate at least once a day, often several times. So much, so that, I was becoming concerned about the frequency.
I have to say that my erections don't appear to be smaller, however, I put that down to seeing them every day.
Very interesting. I only had a couple of retrogrades. It felt slightly odd but was okay. My wife liked them no mess. When I was 25 ish my erect length was 7.25 inches now it’s about 5.5 inches. Do you mastutbate alone or with your wife. I do both but feel a bit embarrassed as she watching not participating.