I’ve been asked by a couple of people for a photo of my penis before I had my revision 23 years ago. The quality may not be the best though it’s not too bad. I hope you like it. I do, though not as much as the last 23 years!
My penis before my 2nd circumcision - Men's Health Foru...
My penis before my 2nd circumcision
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Great looking penis! It's hard to imaging it looking any better!
Thanks very much. There was some shaft-skin movement when erect which I wanted to get rid off - hence my revision.
As always great looking penis and great length even though you are "soft" nice and clean shaven as well ,very large glan head
Thanks as always for your lovely comments.
Hi Peter, you have aged well I think 😁 it looks better now then before. It's interesting to see the difference. I hope mine ages as well after 23 years🤞
Thanks very much for your (as ever) kind comments. I prefer my penis now.
So blessed to have such a penis. Very lucky man
Thank you so much. Though I prefer my later revision.
It looked already very nice but I must admit that I prefer how it looks now 👍
Thanks for your kind comments. I prefer it now too!
I think your revision made an already picturesque penis look even better. I have a few pics from days of old and long before my circ but I’m afraid the rest of me has grown much larger lol.
Thanks very much for your lovely comments.
I absolutely love the look of your penis. The doctor did an excellent job doing your circumcision as an infant. I am impressed how perfect it came out. Did you have any skin movement while erect? If yes, what was it like to have skin movement while erect? It looks like a looser circumcision, but not excessively loose. It is very interesting to me that after your revision, you experienced more sensation? Was there any disadvantage to the revision?
I think your penis looks wonderful in both states. Your penis looks more relaxed in this state, but I think your penis looks cosmetically perfect in both circumcision states you have presented.
Thanks very much - really lovely comments. Yes I’ve been lucky with both of my doctors (as were my sons with their doctor). Yes, I had some skin movement when erect though not a lot, and I couldn’t move any skin over my glans penis when flaccid. I prefer having no skin movement. You’re right - it was looser, but not loose.
Yes I seem to have more sensitivity since my revision, especially in the rim of my glans penis and in the frenulum area.
There are no disadvantages to my revision. I absolutely love the way that I am now circumcised. Thank you again for your comments.

That’s so interesting because it would seem that having skin movement could cause irritation with the frenulum. Did you notice this before your revision? I was thinking during the frenulum would probably have more of a chance of breaking if there is slight skin movement. Did you notice this? Did it ever break prior to your revision? Also how did you and your parents pick such good doctors lol?
No I had no irritation at all. My frenulum never broke either.
I don’t know how my parents found my circumciser. They are both dead now so I guess I’ll never know. My partner and I found my second circumciser advertising in Forum magazine. We found our sons’ circumciser by internet search. Very pleased with all of them. Thank you again for your comments.

Do you have a picture of the underside of your penis as well? Also did you ever find out what device was used to circumcise you as a baby?
I don’t think we have any photos of the underside of my penis before my second circumcision. Shame - it would be interesting to see my frenulum! I don’t know what method was used to circumcise me as a baby. Would you have any idea by looking at the photo?

I don’t really see any scar line. It’s a perfect cut. Did you have more redundancy on the ventral side? If this is the case, then it would more likely be a mogen clamp. There is no characteristic scar, so a gomco clamp is very unlikely to be used on you. Because the cut is so even, I would assume it was a plastibell clamp.
I agree. I like the difference in skin colour. I’m a bit sad that my scar isn’t as prominent nowadays but they do tend to fade. Can’t have everything!
Hi I’m 26 years age and having phimosis tight foreskin problem. I eject sperm and urine fine. But my doubt is whether I will be able to make her pregnant 🤰? Please help
Hi. I’ve replied to your post on this site. Peter
Very nice penis, I like the length would be nice to have, mine looking like yours. Tell me Peter how do you keep the shaving looking so tidy looks really nice.
Thanks very much. I just shave in the shower. I use a disposable razor and water. I used creams and stuff years ago but not anymore.

I'll have to give it a try I'm a very hairy person but prefer your look of getting to see the full penis.
My body isn’t hairy but I do naturally have a big pubic bush. Cut it down first before shaving. Certainly worth a try. If you don’t like it you can always grow it back (as I do occasionally).
Thank you Peter I may do a before and after photos
That would be very interesting to see.
Thank you for the advice I appreciate it, there's not really anyone I can talk to about things like this so cheers
No problem!
thats a good cock my one looks butchered
Thank you for your kind comment. I’m sorry to hear about yours. Have you had some surgery that’s caused the problem?
i was circumcised when i was 5 many years ago..its not a nice looking job either
I’m sorry to hear that. Is it something that could be corrected?
not worth it now in anycase no one really see's it
I'm uncircumcised and wish mine looked like yours.
Well it’s not too late to get circumcised! Though there’s no guarantee as to how it will exactly look. Mine looks a bit different from this photo now as I had a second circumcision after it - check my other posts for photos.
Really? I’m very sorry to hear that. Haven’t read it for years.
Thanks. Funnily enough the uneven scar line never bothered me.
I just joined this site so I’m going back through older postings. Peter, I appreciate your openness and candor. Your penis looks perfectly fine to me. Anyone would be fortunate to have it.
Thanks. I’m very happy with my penis.
You should be. You probably get some second glances in the locker room. 😆👍
Thanks very much!