Hi Guys,
I thought I’d share my experience of Circumcision with you. If found this forum really helpful, so thought I’d my experience could help anyone else then that would be great.
I had a condition called Bxo which you can see in my photo, it a skin condition that causes scar tissue to form. Basically it made the retraction of my foreskin really painful which didn’t make sex much fun. After swing my dr a couple of time I saw an NHS urologist who said that circumcision was the only way to fully resolve. Concerned regarding who would do the operation and their experience I decided to have it done privately at the London Circumcision center. Everything went smoothly and I followed my aftercare instructions and here i am today a month later.
I did not experience any lasting pain. Local anaesthetic was not nice and some night time erections hurt. It has been more uncomfortable than painful but I’m now getting used to it. All in all it been a straightforward experience.
Thanks to all those in the forum whose post have been really helpful. Any questions feel free to ask.