I'm 8 weeks post surgery, and everything looks good, and I do have some slight sensitivity still. The thing is after sex I feel some tingling and almost like a weak itching feeling on the glans and around the head where the stiches were. It goes away after a few hours, but has anyone else felt like this? Is it the nerves healing still?
8 weeks post circumcision - tingling ... - Men's Health Foru...
8 weeks post circumcision - tingling and slight itching feeling on glans after sex

From the research I've done pre-op you are doing great to be back to sex at week 8. The circ involves a bit of trauma to the old fella and nerves need to repair as well as blood flow to normalise etc
I'm expecting my function to return to normal in about 3 to 6 months and cosmetic look to settle in about a year.
If things don't reduce for you, you should consult a urologist.
Keep up the good work and report back at week 12.
It's a marathon not a sprint!
i have same problem also. i am at week 6-7. sex it not so easy. glans are sensitive and erection comes and goes. have not used to it. when erection comes and i touch the glans to vagaina it is not so comfortable. do you use coconut oil or something? i stopped because i think that it makes the glans hydrate and i will never get used to my new state (dry glans). hope i am not wrong
I really think it just depends on each person's comfort and healing. Mine is still sensitive when I walk alot, so I keep it covered when it gets irritated. As for the sex part, I have only tried twice. It's a little uncomfortable, but not enough to make me stop. We also use plenty of lube to make sure of a extra smooth glide. If you are still getting alot of discomfort I would not have sex and let it heal a bit longer.
When i walk too it gets more sensitive and more red. But do we have to hydrate it with oil or leave it to dry and leave it to harden? I am not sure.
All the advice I've seen is that post circ you need to give the glans some help to adapt to having no foreskin by using vaseline. Not the greatest thing to put on and wash out of underwear but hey - urologists are not skin care experts.
That will help with friction and drying out. Wearing satin/slinky/synthetic/microfibre briefs or trunks also helps and it reduces friction. Did you ever wonder why Americans like satin boxer shorts?
The head does adapt but it takes months for that to occur...maybe longer for some guys.
Pre circ the head is a mucous membrane.. a moist environment and self-lubricating. Without a foreskin, circumcised men have to give it a hand by adding lubrication and avoiding unnecessary friction until the skin on the head fully adapts to life on its own.
Even guys cut in infancy sometimes get chafing on their head and use a sensitive skin moisturiser to relieve the dryness.
Fully agree with you, been suffering from lifelong phimosis and glans never exposed even when flaccid, it takes hell lot of time for it to keratinize/toughen.
I was the same as you, I had phimoses until I was 40 (1991). I then had a small lump appear under my foreskin that I couldn't see properly. It didn't itch, sting or affect my sex life so I left it alone. After a year it had not got any larger but I still had no idea what it was, so off I went to the hospital. After a less than pleasant STD test despite me telling them it wasn't that, they insisted on it, because of the phimoses the doctor couldn't get to see the small lump, even with lube while trying to stretch the foreskin. His words were exactly this "Not sure about this, but I don't like the look of it.' and sent me to a hospital in London. Again the doctor couldn't get to see it, so he got me admitted for a circumcision so they could get a biopsy.. Probably the worst year of my life, the circumcision stitches got infected when I got home as I lived next to a major A-road that threw up tons of dirt and dust etc, and on the 14th floor, away from prying eyes, I slept naked with balcony doors and windows open as it was summertime. While the antibiotics did their work I was called to return to the hospital. That had to wait until the infection cleared up and when I got there the Oncologist told me I has squameous cell carcinoma. I asked for layman's terms and he replied 'Flattened cell cancer. With this type of cancer it can stay there and not grow or spread over the glans penis, but, if it grows inwards and gets to the urethra, we have no idea why, but the speed of growth is accelerated and it will get to your stomach pretty quickly. If it does that you could be dead in two years.' And then went on to describe the treatment. Never known pain like it, and I've had breaks, fractures etc galore over the years, Intense radiotherapy was the treatment. You may have seen people who have 2 or 3 minutes every fortnight and get small burn marks on their skin. I was obviously in a room on my own and with a specially fitted mould to hold a ring of radium in place, I self administered, as instructed, 78 (yes seventy eight, not a typo) hours of radiotherapy in 8 days,