I can pull my dick back a bit and then if I try any further it hurts I just want to be able to pull it back all the way so I can be like my friends
Tight Foreskin: I can pull my dick back... - Men's Health Foru...
Tight Foreskin

Hello Skaterboylol13, when you say your dick, do you your foreskin? If so I'd advise seeing your doctor
Just keep holding it at the point of greatest stretch before it becomes painful. The skin will stretch given time.
I had this exact problem and it’s called phimosis where the foreskin is tight and unable to pull back. I would recommend seeing your gp who may be able to provide a steroid cream which can sometimes make the foreskin loose. If that doesn’t work you would need circumcision which I know sounds scary but I had it done 4 weeks ago and it’s perfectly fine and completely solved the issue.
Hey Skaterboylol13, have you tried using different lubes and or Vaseline? these should make it a bit easier for you, as you shouldn't be in any pain or discomfort but if it doesn't work over time, it maybe necessary to have a chat with your gp. hope this helps and good luck
Maybe try any of the many different gentle foreskin stretching techniques and/or visit your doctor.
The best solution is to get circumcision. I had the same problem. It's a very simple procedure. I could go to the work soon after the surgery. It took around 20 minutes for the procedure. Just follow the post operative instructions.My life is complete after circumcision. I really love the exposed glans,it's keratinized and perfect for me and my partner. Don't wait for long time.Initially you will have increased sensitivity.But it will reduce with time
As Uwansan has said, the best solution to your phimosis problem is circumcision - a quick, simple, external procedure that doesn't require hospitalisation but can be done in a specialist clinic in about an hour and you are free to go home immediately after.
Don't force back forskin if it's painful. Go see your GP and they can advise you. They will probably prescribe Steroid Cream, they did for me, and then if that doesn't work you might be advised to have a circumcision. Steroid Cream and stretching exercise worked for me.
Try the stretching techniques first, then steroid creams if that does not work. Finally look at Circumcision. It is generally a last resort choice, as when it is done, it is done. So be certain it is what you want.
It just may solve your problem.
You want to tug upwards ... away from your body, then hold that "stretch" for like 30 seconds, more or less, and repeat periodically during the day. Eventually the tugging will encourage the growth of new skin cells, which will facilitate normal retraction. The two most important features of the process are patience and persistence, because it takes time to grow new skin cells.
Note: Tugging back, toward the body, could get the foreskin stuck behind the glans .... to free it .... push down on the glans with both thumbs, while pulling up on the foreskin with your fingers.... you'll be free in seconds.
It sounds as if you don't actually have a major physical problem if your main question is about how to be like your friends. This desire to be 'normal' is of course in itself normal, but please remember that we are all unique. Don't let your self-esteem hang on one physical feature. You are who and what you are and are just as valuable, deserving of respect and love as anyone else. If the foreskin issue means you cannot clean your glans, maybe that's a different issue, in which case, yes, ask your doctor for help. Personally, although I've occasionally had foreskin problems, I'm very glad I never had circumcision. Penis sensitivity dulls with age. At 73, I have more pleasure from my foreskin than any other part of my penis.