they say the biopsy is painful like having twelve bee stings all at once. Is that true? I am taking fenbendozole. Diabetic also on dialysis.
No desire for sex,Elevated psa levels... - Men's Health Foru...
No desire for sex,Elevated psa levels,biopsy

With my biopsy, the first thing the doctor did was give me an injection of anesthetic around the prostate before taking the core samples. It's uncomfortable but not exactly painful.
Can I ask if you're taking fenbendozole with your drs ok? You're aware of the danger to your liver??
Very aware of the danger its even more danger not to. All knowing one.The profit motive corrupts everything.
Always one
My cancer diagnosis was after taking 12 cores of my prostate . only two cores showed cancer. they want to give me radiation treatment that is the urologist and the oncologist working together. I want to avoid radiation all together we will see since they are using the psa levels to determine with scans to determine if one becomes cancer be cleared of cancer for a tranplant candici
Are there anyone who has had prostate cancer and used phenbendazole and got results.
that prostate biopsy is hell.
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