What is the best circumcision method for an adult? Low and tight,high and tight,low and loose or low and tight?,what does the above words mean?
Circumcision method: What is the best... - Men's Health Foru...
Circumcision method

I was just circumcised 3 days ago (am 55). My surgeon did not use those terms or even ask my preference, however based on your post I would say my procedure produced a high and tight.
Others may know better than me, but perhaps it is a cosmetic preference? Regardless, I am personally pleased with my results and am looking forward to the no stitches & swelling gone appearance.
Not sure if any of this helps or not.
high and tight more inner skin is preserved making the scar further from the head and most of the foreskin is removed leaving little skin movement on the shaft. Low and tight most the inner skin in removed leaving the scar closer to the head again more skin is removed leaving little skin movement on the shaft. Low and loose same as low and tight but removing less skin leaving some skin movement on shaft. Same with high and loose scar is further from head and less skin is removed leaving some skin movement on shaft.
hihh n tight is prone to greater and longer swelling, im currently coming onto 5 weeks in snd still have significant swelling been bsck to go and said it just takes time
high and tight
Better perhaps to stay intact.