Six weeks after a circ and a ridge has developed on my glans above a red patch which can bleed a bit. Also worried a little skin bridge may be growing between what skin remains and the glans. Have a follow up appointment in Feb, was hoping to be back to normal by now. Anyone had any similar issues?
Lump on glans and skin bridge after circ - Men's Health Foru...
Lump on glans and skin bridge after circ

I needed a circumcision because of phimosis but I also had a lot of skin bridges. Although the surgeon cut them during the circumcision, he did say that they might reattach during the healing process, which is what happened, but only at one side. Suspect that is what's going on with you. You need to discuss with your consultant. If the bit that bleeds is round by your frenulum, that was the bit that took the longest to heal for me

Thank you…yeah taking a bit longer to heal than I hoped. Skin bridge is really frustrating but have an appt coming up. Thanks so much for replying. Hope you are all recovered.
Yes it took longer than I expected as well. All healed up now and still not got rid of the skin bridge, but everything is working okay now, thank goodness . I'm sure you'll be fine,just needs a bit of time. Hope things go well with the doc

That’s reassuring to know. Really appreciate you taking the time to read and reply. Best wishes to you.
l also have a skin bridge but I have not cut it nor had it cut as i see it as something that my cock is a bit different.I probably got a skin bridge just after I was cut as i am sure the Dr told my mother to keep the cut surfaces separate probably with petroleum jelly but my mother was too sick to do that.