Hi there, its been almost a week since my circ and on the 4th day, my penis became swollen and it hurts but, tolerable. How do I make it unswollen? Oh btw, the stitch area has these yellowish discharge, is it normal?
It's swollen and something's gross ha... - Men's Health Foru...
It's swollen and something's gross happening

Yes yellow discharge is normal does it thick or watery?? You can not do anything for unswollen because its natural process of healing day by day it goes down don’t worry it may take 4-6 week for fully goes swollen
Actually a decrease in swelling can take up to 3 months even. It varies from person to person. The yellow discharge could be pus as your body might be trying to fight off infection. You could run it by your doctor and ask him if he suggests anything for it, even something over the counter.
You could try a cold compress to help reduce swelling. I was advised warm salt bath to clean up the discharge.
Is the salt bath painful?? Coz I really have low pain tolerance
Shouldn’t be painful mate just make sure the temperature isn’t too hot. If you have open wounds still I’d recommend using fresh water in a jug with salt pouring it over the penis and drying with a hair dryer. Applying fresh bandages will really help twice a day man
Oh mine still have open wounds, and my father says to not put bandages already since it is better so the healing is faster he says
It’s a personal choice but if you wish to keep nasty stuff out and get your penis healed a bit more before you have nothing protecting it but also protecting the glans from rubbing straight away applying bandages is a very good idea for the first week or 2 I did it i did it on my own accord as not protecting it was allowing it to get real nasty and now I have a perfect fast healed circumcised penis clean scar etc. Make sure you moistrise your glans and inner skin when you are healed enough daily keep that glans soft smooth and moist.