You have/had Balanitis = 5 points
You have/had Phimosis = 5 points
You have/had Smegma = 5 points
You walk around the house naked during recovery = 5 points
You walk like a cowboy = 5 points
You walk like a penguin = 5 points
You stay still because any kind of walking hurts = 5 points
You don't know whether or not you're supposed to wet/wash it = 5 points
You aim for the toilet and your pee goes in a different direction = 5 points
Your gauze keeps falling off no matter how you adjust it = 10 points
You wake up with painful erections = 10 points
You try to stop thinking about sex so your erection can go away = 10 points
You wonder "How come I'm not getting erections?" = 10 points
You can't tell the difference between pus or lymph fluid = 10 points
You urinate with 2 streams = 10 points
You urinate with 3 streams = 15 points
You urinate with more than 3 streams = 5 points/stream
You have a lump on your penis and not sure if it's normal or an infection = 10 points
You wondered if you're the only guy who gets circumcised as an adult = 10 points
You are wondering how come I have so much skin left? = 10 points
You are wondering if they took off too much skin = 10 points
Your penis gets buried underneath the skin that's left = 10 points
You wonder how sex will feel different = 10 points
You think, "I can't go 4+ weeks without masturbating " = 10 points
You think, "I can't go 4+ weeks without sex" = 20 points
You think, "I can't go 4+ weeks without working out" = 30 points
You think, "How come everyone else is healing faster than I am?" = 20 points
You stare at your penis every 15 minutes, wondering if it's healing okay = 15 points
Your penis looks like Frankenstein's monster = 20 points
You wondered what women think of uncut guys = 20 points
You're upset the removed foreskin makes you a little shorter than you were before = 20 points
You're glad you can find other people online to relate to = 25 points
You Google everything concerning your penis = 25 points
You Google everything concerning your penis in different ways just to be extra sure = 25 points
You're panicking, "OMG, I can't find anything online about my issue. I'm the only person with this rare condition! My penis will fall off!" = 25 points
You sort of miss your foreskin because he's been a good pal to you = 25 points
You want to keep your foreskin as a memorial but that's kind of weird so you don't tell anyone = 25 points
Your doctor tells you you're paranoid = 30 points
You never thought you'd be talking about your penis so much with so many strangers = 30 points