Lichen Sclerosus (BXO) Circumcised Ma... - Men's Health Foru...

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Lichen Sclerosus (BXO) Circumcised Male (54 year old)

Mrgigs profile image
14 Replies

Hi Everyone

I have been having on and off trouble with the "old chap" for a few months, GP thought it was an infection.... it wasn't

Today I have seen a urologist, and he has diagnosed Lichen Sclerosus (BXO) , he more or less diagnosed it before he saw the offending part TBH.

What Im wondering here is, is there anyone else on here who is already circumcised (mine was done when I was a long time ago) with this issue , if so, what have been your experiences , what has been prescribed etc..

Thanks in advance


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Mrgigs profile image
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14 Replies

I don’t know whether you have seen this. It might give you mire information.

It would appear that steroid treatment is the first line treatment. It is also apparent that care should be taken to pick-up and malignant change.

Just a thought but a dermatologist might be the best professional for ongoing management of your condition. Take care.

Mrgigs profile image
Mrgigs in reply to

Thanks, thats a useful resource

UK_man profile image

Out of interest what are your symptoms? I was circumcised due to being diagnosed with LS a few years ago and was told that would clear it up, I’m not sure that is true though.

Mrgigs profile image
Mrgigs in reply to UK_man

Classic symptoms as other describe here, red skin blotches , which can and do turn white on the underside of the shaft, (looking down yourself) not on the head, cracks on occasions after love making etc...but not always, When it flares up its annoying as a minimum, but lately what remains of my foreskin, and there is enough to half cover the head when flaccid , gets tight as it goes over the ridge which then stings....

Hi Mr Gigs, sorry to hear about your diagnosis. LS is really very rare, as I understand matters, in men circumcised at birth, however it can occur in men circumcised later although it is most commonly seen in uncircumcised men, such as myself , M54 too.

The main theory is that exposure to occluded urine under the foreskin somehow triggers a reaction in men with a predisposition to the disease. Possibly your circumcision is loose and partly covers the glans?

Without knowing your symptoms, I am surprised that your urologist reach a diagnosis of LS, without examination, if he knew your were already circumcised.

Circumcision is viewed as curative in c.90% of men who have not responded to topical corticosteroids so even if you do have an unusually loose circumcision, it would probably make sense, as Osidge suggests, to explore treatment with a dermatologist with an interest in male genital conditions.

Depending on your symptoms you may also require surgical treatment by a urologist.

I wish you all the best.

guitar22 profile image
guitar22 in reply to

Hi Nicktremayn, I was diagnosed with LS around 1 year ago and have been on Dermovate since then. I have the whitish ring on foreskin and some discolouration on Glans. The Dermovate works well but I still get some soreness if I don't use it regularly.

I tend to keep foreskin held back most of the time which helps keep soreness at bay.Are you in a similar situation to myself and using steroid cream.? Are you considering Circumcision or staying uncut.?

I've read about urine trapped under the f/skin, but not sure it stacks up as that probably happens to many uncirc'd men and LS would be more common if it were the case.

I had thrush/balanitis over a long period which didn't clear up easily and i'm convinced that's what led to the LS. Also wondered... How does the LS affect you these days.?

in reply to guitar22

Hi Mr Gigs, I am surprised that you are still using Dermovate, presumably daily, after a year. It’s is a really strong drug and whilst the regime you describe is common in women, given limited alternatives, it’s not common in men.

In my case I only used it for about a month, then the much milder Trimovate which also contains a antibiotic and an anti fungal as the strong steroid can encourage fungal issues. I have also, once the LS was in full remission and there was no active disease, used Betanovate for 6 weeks to assist a foreskin stretching programme to address some mild phimosis caused by LS micro scarring.

I also used auto circumcision for a while but only to ensure that there was no issue with urine retention. I stopped this and then used a barrier cream, Epaderm, to both moisturise inside and outside and also to act as a barrier against urine contact. It not simply urine contact which causes LS but rather urine contact in men with a particular susceptibility, autoimmune diseases being a likely candidate.

My LS is in full remission, although it could come back, accordingly it does not effect me now other than the urine wiping, replacement of soap with an E45 emollient wash and the use of Epaderm and Trimovate. I have some residual minor tightness, at least relative to my previous very relaxed tension, but otherwise no ongoing issues. My regime takes a couple of minutes/per day.

I am extremely keen to avoid circumcision, and have been rigorous in my regime, viewing surgical options as an absolutely last resort. I have spent a fair bit of time researching, understanding options etc. Whilst it is strongly curative in case of LS, the recovery is somewhat unpleasant and there appears to be a significant variance in both the cosmetics of recovery outcomes and the sexual experience of some men who undergo it as adults.

Whilst I recognise that the majority of men circumcised as adults for medical reasons - excluding physiological phimosis where the results seem to be more positive - are broadly satisfied, noting some difference but not necessarily better or worse, there does appear to be a smaller percentage who are deeply unhappy. I am extremely happy with my pre-LS sexual function and performance and therefore I am focussing my efforts on its maintenance post LS.

I wish you all the best.

guitar22 profile image
guitar22 in reply to

Hello... message for "Hidden" above.

Thank you for your in depth reply to me several weeks ago. I got a little confused as you addressed me as Mr Gig's and wasn't sure it was meant for me.Re me still using Dermovate... I apply it every 3/4 days and haven't found any issues thus far. The Doctor and Urologist both advised I shouldn't worry about the warnings regarding long term use of Dermovate... some sites by other Doctors say this also.

However I would be happy to change to a different regime and was really grateful to hear your advice and what's working for you.

Can I ask.. do you get any soreness from the scarring "ring" on foreskin with your regime.?

I had a message from another member earlier who had a great response to his Circumcision and got used to it very quickly. Always good to hear this news.

Best Wishes

TonyMal profile image
TonyMal in reply to guitar22

Hi I was examined by the top penile consultants in the UK & they say the microscopic amounts of urine leak from the meatus onto the glans/foreskin & cause the irritation, in my case the meatus is enlarged (nobody had ever noticed) but that caused microincontinence, one of them said about 1/100 men has enlarged meatus...I had circumcision in March everything is spot on, definitely you can last longer during sex! I really wanted to avoid circumcision but it’s ok you get used to it fast.

guitar22 profile image
guitar22 in reply to TonyMal

Hi Tony, thanks for your message. Were you diagnosed with LS.? I wasn't sure from your message. I don't feel urine leakage is the only reason for LS. I had an ongoing thrush/balanitis problem. I believe for me it was a combination of this and lowered immunity. I believe stress "which affects the immune system" in conjunction with an infection or urine can lead to LS. There are some foreign sites that say balanitis and thrush are very likely causes but no mention of urine.Great news to hear your "Circ" went so well. I'm still contemplating having it done but read quite a lot of negative reports. The main one was masturbation can be a problem. Sorry to be personal but have you found this to be the case.?

TonyMal profile image
TonyMal in reply to guitar22

I was diagnosed by Dr Bunker in London he specialises in LS, yeh they not sure of the cause but in my case microincontinence he said it was, it’s not leaking your actually aware of. Yes I suffered with balanatis many times aswell. You can have online consultation with Dr Bunker he will advise you but it’s £350 I’m lucky I’m insured. I was told he’s the best in the world on LS other urologists misdiagnosed me many times I may even take legal action over it, Dr Bunker is a professor & he was proven correct when they sent my foreskin to the lab for analysis. Yes severe stress brings it on or flares it up, definitely.

Mine has gone very well, Mr Asif Muneer in London highly recommended he’s Dr Bunker m8.

Masturbation with lube is better, I thought everyone was talking nonsense when they said the orgasms were better but it’s very true, the reason is it takes longer to get there, & my soreness LS was on occasions causing me premature ejaculation not like really quick but couldn’t hang on, that has completely gone I can last so much longer it’s well better, I was terrified aswell getting it done but I’m glad now!

Mrgigs profile image

Thanks, he did diagnose it after looking at it, but he said , from what he had read from my GP notes, that he thought he knew what it was before I dropped them as such....he confirmed his suspicion thereon.... I have enough remaining forskin to cover half the head, and indeed urine can be an irritant, hence I always wash it afterwards, no soap though. I suspect the GP will be prescribing Dermovate once the urologist writes back, time will tell

MrMac99 profile image

Hi Mrgigs, sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with LS it's not really known exactly what causes it just some guys are unfortunate to get it. it is unusual for somebody who is circumcised to get it but it sounds like you have a loose or partial circumcision which could be the reason it has returned. You probably should speak to your GP about a referral to a dermatologist to see about maintain the conditions from getting worse. But if the LS is only on the remaining foreskin that you have maybe you should consider having the circumcision redone and removing the loose foreskin.

Mac82 profile image

Absolute nightmare,having this,I have cracked sore area,on circumscision line,soreness,burning,the odd good day,been on clobetasol 5 month,life has become

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