I’ve had these white patches on my penis for a couple of months now. It started on my frenulum and has slowly started to spread a little bit onto the penis head. I would like to know if this is severe or treatable at home? Thanks
White patches on penis: I’ve had these... - Men's Health Foru...
White patches on penis

You really do need to see a doctor. It sounds like lichen sclerosus. nhs.uk/conditions/lichen-sc...

I’ve looked up lichen sclerosus and it says on every post itchy white patches, I’ve not had the urge to itch once
Many medical issues can present in non-typical ways. That is why you need a diagnosis. It is not normal to have white patches on your penis- whatever it is.
Google for 'Lichen Planus of Glans Penis' and if the results matches your scenario. This was diagnosed for me and the issue was similar. No itching, but growing very slowly. Soap supplement wont solve it. A Dermatologist should approached for proper diagnosis and prescription. Hope it helps.
Hi Jack you need to have it checked with your doctor it will need to properly diagnosed first with a referral to a specialist if it is LS you will need treatment with steroid creams to start with. It doesn't have to be itchy it wasn't for me anyway.
also could be vitigo
To avoid repeating myself please see my response in related threads. Skin Specialist / Dermatologist is whom you need to get in touch.