I’m uncircumcised and when I pull my foreskin back it’s red and if I pull back enough I’ll feel a lot of pain like it’s stretching or breaking my skin apart idk what’s wrong someone help
Uncircumcised / redness / painful - Men's Health Foru...
Uncircumcised / redness / painful

I take it that it is not normally like this?
I was thinking of getting circumcised because maybe it’ll all go away but I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea I just didn’t know what to do
Getting circumcised is a bit extreme. Medication should be tried in the first instance

why do you feel it is extreme ?
Because it appears other options have not been explored.

i have tried eumovate cream ,stretching rings and now just finger stretches to try loosen mine a bit.not convinced and on the brink of going for a circ myself.what is your opinion i see nothing else to try ?
This is about the OP’s problem and he may not have the same experience as you.
I was wondering can ( first aid double antibiotics ointment ) , clotrimazole cream help ????!
Worth seeing a doctor. He/she may be able to help you sort it without surgery. If it does come to circumcision, then remember that some people have serious problems. See what the doctor says.
Okay thanks if it’s not gone in 3/4 days then ima go see a doctor 🙏🏽
You may be able to see the doctor in an online consultation. Not so embarrassing then.
Firstly are you able to pull the foreskin completely back when you are erect ? If previously yes but not now , you might be having an infection. If you couldn't from before , you may have smegma that has adhered between the foreskin and the glans or phimosis. Either way , the foreskin shouldnt be red at all. Meet a doctor whenever you can.
Akshay4 Mate I don't think anyone would give antihistamines or do a biopsy for an unknown diagnosis and especially for a presentation like this. The doctors usually follow a procedure starting from medical line of treatment that includes antibiotics etc and then evaluate based on the response mainly because diagnosing penile conditions is difficult and because they are recurrent . True it is difficult between fungus and bacteria but usually a non invasive medical treatment can help in most cases .Self treatment is also not the ideal answer as you may not know the cause. Also about the fungus and bacteria having active timings , sorry mate it doesn't work that way . Whenever they are present and if they are not the normal commensal organisms of our skin , they may incite inflammation and pain.
Sorry for the long post. Hope all goes well in your case ! All the best !
Even I also suffered from balanitis where I applied all creams and taken medicines nothing works well. 3rd doctor suggested me circumcision where I was not ready. Again My 4th doctor recommended Povidone Iodine Ointment.all my red spots cleared.I was so happy!!!!.
3rd doctor said infection will comes again so circumcision is best.(wrong)
Finally I decided to circumcise for nothing with 3rd doctor.after my circumcision surgery, doctor said "you were not having any issue". Regret!! Where doctor cut my healthy foreskin even cosmetic issue after circumcision.Regret even for my doctor!
I lost lot of money,Even healthy foreskin.
So Ineedhelp215 please follow your doctor if it works, fine.Try "Povidone Iodine Ointment" if circumcision is final option.
what is povidone iodine ointment ?
It's an antiseptic that can help disinfect any surfaces of the skin. Try using the diluted version of it if your doctor has recommended it . Don't apply it at the meatus as well. Cheers !
is this simply to cure any infections ?!
I would say that it would be best to use this to clean wounds , surgical incisions post op . It might be useful for obviously keeping the area clean but would still ask a doctor before using it because it is quite a potent disinfectant and may cause meatal irritation in some as far as I know. And not sure if it can cure infections but it prevents them from occurring to be precise.
It's regretful to know that you had to endure through such a process. I had Balanoposthitis and was treated with 2 courses of antibiotics which helped. But it was recurrent so I underwent the circ and have been infection free since. I can understand your pain and wish you had gotten the proper treatment the first time round . Also it sounds alittle odd that your doctor did a circ and then said you had no problem . Usually they diagnose it then they go ahead with the surgery . All in all hope you are doing good now. All the best !