hi I’m 20 year old and ever since I was quite young I haven’t been able to pull forskin back atall it’s honestly the size of a pin hole I have trouble peeing a lot it’s take me for ever and it bloons often have foul smell comeing from it too and think I get infections that come and go is there anything I can do without curcumsise it’s really and truely ruining my life
Im 20 and forskin hole size of a pin ... - Men's Health Foru...
Im 20 and forskin hole size of a pin hole can retract atall

must add I don’t have any pain really but do something get a verry bad stinging when peeing so bad that it makes me want to near cry also can’t stand up and pee as it will go everywhere
Have you consulted a doctor about your problem? That needs to be your first port of call. I suspect that with such severe phimosis a circumcision will be recommended.
don’t be afraid of circumcision. I’m in my 60’s and put up with mild phimosis for many years but decided that enough was enough and I can honestly say it was the best decision. There is no longer any pain, discomfort and infection risk. It’s more hygienic, no smells and hasn’t impacted my erection. Go and see your GP and take the plunge. You won’t regret it. Good luck!
sounds like Phimosis , Don't be too shy to see your GP. He will teach you how to correct the condition . it involves getting a steroid cream called Betamethasone . The idea is to work the cream under your foreskin using a finger, It takes time and it's sore to begin with but you can avoid cicumsision !! You can get a gadget from Amazon to help with the stretching , just put phimosis stretcher in the search field. You have to keep doing it until you can fully retract your foreskin . The cream will help stop the dryness and the smelly infections . Good luck !!
I waited until I was 30 and wish I got it done at your age, mine wasn't as bad yours sounds but my guess is definitely circumcision, if you're in the UK it will be a half cut on the NHS and with waiting times you're still looking at a year until it's done, get the ball rolling chap.
hi man. I would totally recommend getting a circ. at your age it should be straightforward, and you'll never look back, trust me. Much better than a life of trying to use steroid creams etc. I was cut last November, happy to chat about how it went etc.
Hi man. I see you are UK and i promise you the NHS only circumcise if its really necessary. If your GP thinks it can be fixed with steroid creams they will. However, you must get this sorted because you run long term health risks if you can't clean under there and sex is going to be difficult. And don't worry about the doc, they see this all the time. Good luck and get yourself to the doc as soon as you can get an appointment
You need to speak to a urologist, but if it's pinhole phimosis, then steroids and stretching are unlikely to work. Preputioplasty and a dorsal slit are surgical alternatives to circumcision, but preputioplasty may not be an option for you, and many people don't like the cosmetic look of a dorsal slit. If I were in your position, and preputioplasty wasn't an option, I'd ask for a circumcision removing as little tissue as possible. Good luck!
I was 21 when cut like you feared every thing about it especially when years before sex and masterbation was great but lets be honest after few weeks healing I was fixed no more split skin inside from sex or masterbation pain stinging pain poor hygiene as couldn't clean my dick right and girls wasn't keen on oral obviously why but after I never looked back great fab brilliant and to be honest never got declined oral cause your always clean and lower risks sti and infection etc but also a good clean cut dick looks better no rinckle skin pissy odour ever and spray easy on anything honest please notify yer gp get it sorted lad before u Loss years of pleasure 🙏 ☺️
Like one of the other guys , I got circumcised in my 60s after years of my foreskin tearing or splitting during sex or masturbation. The difference is unbelievable and wish now that I'd gone to the doctor earlier. You'll have a bit of a wait depending on the waiting times in your health board so I would book that GP appointment and get the ball rolling.
I had the same issue as u until one day nearly 18.months ago couldn't pee and had to have a emergency dorsal slit. Don't let it get to that stage. Also not trying to worry u but in rare cases penile cancer is possible.
That’s exactly what I was like last year literally I could only pee a drop at a time and it was so painful but eventually it eased up but would never like it to get to that stage again but still a size of a pin hole was yours always a pin hole size
hey guys honestly thankyou for all your reply’s I did go to hospital once when I got so bad and got given steroid cream that obviously did not make much difference the doctor told me to go to my gp and he recommended a circumcision but this was over a year ago and still haven’t been im also worried about haveing time off work and what I’m going to say to my boss and I really don’t want my family knowing about it and I think it’s going to be hard to hide after the op if I’m in so much pain but I’m going to just have to bite the bullet and do it eventually couse I can’t keep living like this
It does sound like circumcision is your best option. Go back and see your GP, tell them you are in pain and ask to be referred. Do not worry about telling people, it's life thing's happen, but if it really an issue tell them it muscle strain or something.
Hay Man you need to see you GP and get a referral it should like you have a severe case of phimosis. Don't be afraid of having a circumcision or embarrassed to tell anyone about your problem we all go true stuff during life. I had it done years ago and have to say it was one of the best things I've done for myself. So get the ball rolling tomorrow and phone up your Dr's for an appointment
Maybe worth trying: ebay.co.uk/itm/387117974370...
Maybe also worth checking this website: foreskin.org/
There are stretching kits available - try Amazon with the search words: 'phimosis stretcher kit'.
I would go for a circumcision. It is well worth it trust me. Your life and confidence will change. It the best thing that I ever did
15square.org.uk has resources of ways foreskin can be saved by stretching techniques
The only cure for a pinhole phimosis is circumcision. This ought to have been diagnosed and treated years ago - certainly before you started puberty!
Pinhole phimosis prevents proper urination and causes back pressures on your bladder and kidney that can do serious and life-changing damage to them.