Is my healing going well? I thought by now the swelling would have gone down but it isnt going down. Also how is the incision healing going? I need some views and advice through this healing process
1 week post circumcision : Is my... - Men's Health Foru...
1 week post circumcision

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You are very early in the healing process but you appear to be healing well. You must be taking good care of it. The swelling should go eventually. It is not possible to put a timeline on that as some guys lose it in weeks and some still have some swelling at a year!!

Thank you so much appreciate it
It looks like it is healing really well. For me, the first 10 days I was a nervous wreck, but saw healing progression gradually afterwards.
Are you completely healed now?
Yours is healing really well from what it looks like. Mine is 1 week post surgery and looks no where near as good.
In fact it looks like my stitching has loosened up but I got no pain so I’m not sure and it’s covered in black and some gooey stuff so I can see properly, there’s no blood poring out o anything. Also there’s a crease in my glans which makes the glans push in and fold into itself I’m very confused by it and quite worried. Can anyone help?