After 15 days I’ve noticed a small hole under my frenulum. Is that normal or do i need to see my doctor?
15 days post circumcision: After 1... - Men's Health Foru...
15 days post circumcision

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It's up to you. You can find this site more severe cases than you have. I think you can support the wound edges not to open more by using strips of skin adhesive tape like 'Micropore' and petroleum jelly or paraffin gauze 'Jelonet' under them. There is a risk of wound dehiscence, when sutures are loosening and you'll get nocturnal erections.
You can support the wound area with some bandage on it, too.
@ S2BC - Great answer. It doesn't look serious. You could also put some antibiotic ointment on it.
As long as it isn't bleeding there would appear to be no problem, particularly this early in the healing process.
I note that you still have most of your stitches in place. It maybe worth getting them removed as they should have done their job by now and removing them will prevent 'stitch tunnels' from forming as well as helping the swelling to go down.
However, if in any doubt, see your doctor for advice.
It should heal over in a couple more weeks
Doctor cant fix it. It will heal slowly. Don’t worry about it if no medical issues.