I am having trouble pulling back my foreskin and I am 16. But it’s not as if I can’t do it all all but when I do it has to be flaccid and it’s sensitive and I have trouble pulling it back to the original position when erect. I did some research and know it might be phimosis but it turns out most phimosis patients can’t do it at all... so I’m not sure what exactly it is, please help.
Is it phimosis?: I am having trouble... - Men's Health Foru...
Is it phimosis?

Hi if i was you I would go see the doc and don't worry as they see these problems every day its normal good luck and take care
There’s different degrees of phimosis, some guys can’t retract at all while others like yourself have a milder form and can retract when flaccid at least. In these less severe cases the doctor will likely prescribe a topical steroid cream to thin the skin and instruct the patient on how to do stretching exercises to achieve easier retraction.
You're still in the process of maturing. At 16, what you describe is normal for you and millions of other guys. You can help the process of lossening by stretching the opening. Simply pull the sides apart gently and hold for a few seconds. Repeat that frequently every day. Retract after each time you pee. In a couple of weeks you see some changes.
How certain are you of this? Because from what I’ve read most guys stop experiencing this after 10 or 12 or 13. I don’t mean to discredit you but you must understand my worries.
Thirty-seven years of experience dealing with problems just like what you describe. Known success rate was nearly 100%.
So at what age should I become really concerned about the possibility of phimosis?
There is no blanket answer to that. understand that phimosis is not a disease. It is just a word which means muzzled. All boys sre born with tight foreskins, and they are also fused to the glans. Since you can retract, you have matured beyond the fused state. Simple stretching is the accepted standard solution around the world. The question is what you want?
What I want is simply to become normal, but I am getting mixed answers from people and my research. Many says circumcising is the only way to entirely solve the problem while some say stretching and cream can help. It’s still quite daunting for me because I only recently realize it’s an issue and only recently I have done research on it.
I agree it sounds normal but can understand why you are worried go to gp and gave a word to put your mind at rest but try not to worry we’ve all been there convinced something is wrong .
A quick visit and some reassurance will give you such relief .
Good luck
My 16 yo son had the exact same problem. Yes it is phimosis. His pediatrician gave him a steroid cream to soften and thin the end of the foreskin and he did gentle stretches twice daily for three months. Don’t overstretch. It will cause scarring that is really bad for your foreskin. Your pediatrician should be able to prescribe the cream via Zoom or phone and pharmacies are delivering to your home. You do not need to go out. You can also do the stretches without the cream. For my son, It helped minimally so he decided to get a circumcision. Not just for the phimosis but also for social reasons. But the stretches are often successful. Try them first. I found them by googling phimosis treatment or foreskin stretching excercises. Good luck.
I will recommend you to read "most common question related "phimosis" treatphimosis.com/questions...
Everyone on here knows what they are talking about. Just go to the doc. Don’t put it off like I did, you don’t want to be getting a circumcision at 26 lol believe me