I’m 18 years old and have never been able to pull my foreskin back. To be honest, I always thought that my foreskin would develop/loosen, so that I can retract it. But I hear you should be able to fully retract It by the age of 6?!!
I’ve always doubted whether my Penis has fully developed yet, but it must’ve by now? I started puberty probably when I was about 10. Generally my penis when flaccid is 2-2.5 inches, and about 5 when erect.
I’ve done some research and unless this issue can still fix itself? I believe I may have either phimosis or a short frenulum (frenulum breve).
I can’t even pull my foreskin half way down over the head of my penis. Is there a fix, that doesn’t include surgery for either of the above conditions?
I’ve been overthinking this quite a lot recently and feeling pretty down about it / anxious. I’d be quite nervous for A surgical fix, as the thought of my genitals swelling/bleeding/hurting, etc. really puts me off!!