How soon can you jack off after circumcision?
Question: How soon can you jack off... - Men's Health Foru...

6 week
With vibrator direct on glans, 10 days after circumcision. But absolutely no skin movement on the penis.
Me just over 2 weeks and slowly, didn't cum for the first time but it will happen
That doesn't answer the OP question and is campaigning in contravention of forum rules

What rules?
As above
Safe space to talk about penis health
This forum is for emotional support. It is not for campaigning for or against anything (eg circumcision) or posting non-health pics.
It’s quite clear that intactiwiki is a site that presents a negative opinion of circumcision under the guise of providing information. On that basis, frequent posting of the URL to encourage readers to visit is intended to;
a) make the reader change his mind if considering circumcision
b) make the reader feel regretful if already circumcised
If this doesn’t represent campaigning then I don’t know what is.
Six weeks I would say but take it easy first time, plenty of lube.
11 months for me I would advise against circumcision
Wait till all the stitches come out, my last stitch fell out day 18 or 19, i can’t imagine wanting an errction with those stitches in place