I’m nervous..: About to be circumcised... - Men's Health Foru...

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I’m nervous..

37 Replies

About to be circumcised within the next two weeks. I have been reading & reading & reading, getting info etc.

But there seems to be a few horror stories out there, guys not happy, badly done procedures, loss of sensitivity etc etc.

Please please tell me it’s not all bad and there are good endings with guys pleased it was done.

Please reassure me folks, even my fingers typing this are shaking.


37 Replies
uncutforesk profile image

Is there a NEED to get circumcised or is this for cosmetic reasons only? Do you have phimosis - inability to retract your foreskin. Doctor recommended?

in reply to uncutforesk

Too much foreskin, even when erect, full coverage. Too short frenulum.

The above have bothered me for a long long time, finally have the courage to have it all sorted. But....

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to

the frenulum can easily be lengthened by stretching.

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to uncutforesk

Is length causing any problems while having sex? Could you post a pic of it?

in reply to jimfromcalif

Not sure why you need to see a picture, explanation seems clear enough

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to

Perhaps other's views might show you as normal.

in reply to jimfromcalif

Sounds to me like his glans remains covered by his foreskin when erect therefore sexual intercourse would be unsatisfying. Is that normal?

jimfromcalif profile image
jimfromcalif in reply to

Yes, it's normal. Many men have satisfying, successful sex lives with long foreskins. What my concern is that he's bought into a lie. If he truly wants the surgery, that's one thing, but being fearful of the very real risks and complications is not a healthy step.

in reply to jimfromcalif

I’m sure you’re right and that many men do have satisfying, successful sex lives with long foreskins. However the OP has obviously decided he doesn’t and likely feels his foreskin acts as an obstruction, I can relate to that as I had similar issues before having my frenulum removed. It’s frustration and not buying into a lie.

It’s perfectly normal to be apprehensive about any type of surgery, I was before my circumcision but in the event it was less traumatic than a trip to the dentist.

aabra420 profile image

dont worry . there are few techniques out there.

the results are purely depended on which techniques and cut surgeon is gona perform.

i strongly suggest you to go with ZSR anastomat

results are awesome. recovery is quick and minimal scar do a google search.

if ur surgeon is gona operate with free hands and stitches then it can cause problem.

in reply to aabra420

It’s gonna be free hand and glue, in the UK.

CaptainCirc profile image

I had the same worries but took the plunge and am loving my cut, i went private at the Luton Clinic by Dr Khan, also Glue.. if i was getting it done only the best was gnna do it! No NHS. im on day 16 now and pretty much healed just a bit swollen still, never had any pain apart from first week of night time boners.

geggy profile image
geggy in reply to CaptainCirc

My Mother had me done just after I was born.

CaptainCirc profile image
CaptainCirc in reply to geggy

How is the result are you happy?

florian13 profile image

I don't know why you're worried, you're going to see Dr. Khan, the best for circumcision.

I explained everything to you, you could see my story, tomorrow it will be 3 weeks for me: I am a happy man !!

I have never had swelling, bleeding ... just follow strict rules.

I only have one regret: not having done it earlier in my life!

in reply to florian13

You are so positive and helpful. Thanks. 👍🏼

florian13 profile image

The rules:

- Strict hygiene: hand washing systematically before going to the toilet. Only wear tight cotton boxers with the glans penis up (avoids swelling), change boxers every day and wash them at 60 ° c. I bought new boxers washed at 60 ° C, just after my circumcision while getting dressed I put on a clean boxer.

- Do not change Dr. Khan's dressing for 4 days. Do not wet it, after having peed put a compress on your glans to absorb the drop of urine which can soil the bandage.

- Take vitamins 3 days before and for 10 days after the operation.

- On the 4th day remove the dressing under the shower (it will be glued) go very slowly so as not to remove the glue.

Thoroughly dry your penis with a sterile compress and redo it with another sterile compress.

- On the 10th/ 11th day gently remove the glue before showering, spray the suture with antiseptic, let it dry and re-dress with a sterile compress.

Make a new sterile bandage after each shower for 10 days.

When the scar is completely closed after 15 days, apply a spécial scar cream purchased in pharmacies (Cicalfate ...).

MrMac99 profile image

Hey Man, don't worry there not all bad stories you just don't hear about all the good result.

If you are going to Dr Khan you are in very good hands, 👍

Artyfartblast profile image

Took my 15 yr old son to Dr Khan years ago. He sailed through it. For every story of pain on here there are others that went well. Remember not all stories are true. It's an echo chamber. Follow the good advice here and you'll be fine with no regrets.

dronist profile image

You will find it a most positive experience

NorthLondonR profile image

I was very nervous before I had my circumcision, but I have absolutely no regrets. As I had phimosis, it’s now much cleaner and more hygienic without a foreskin in the way. Sex feels so much better and (in my opinion) my penis looks better with the head permanently exposed.

sone922 profile image

Man i have problem like your, and i am circumised 3 days ago I didn't feel surgery because I was drowsy, now its all ok but i have little bit sweeling on penis but i believe it will disappear by itself

. It's nothing scary, solve that problem and that's it

Hi m8 there will always be horror stories about eney operation if u Google it I had it done when I was younger and loads of my m8s have had it done and there all happy and so am I just remember it is a operation not everyone is the same if u go in finding faults you'll fined one in everything just stop researching as it's obviously not helping you

TheBoys profile image

You ll be fine.

Dr Khan has a great reputation.

My only real issue was erections which i learned to cope with by sleeping on the sofa or armchair, taking sudafed nasal spray and massaging vaseline into the wound...

Nigel5975 profile image

View my past posts with my experience. I am very happy. Procedure done 10/31/19

Stinkpot56 profile image

It’s normal to be nervous about any surgery. One question, are you having surgery for medical reasons? Either way, do it for your self. Each individual will have a different effect depending on their physical health and how your body will respond to the surgery. I had my surgery about 30 weeks ago and I am very pleased with the outcome. The healing process takes awhile. Follow your doctor orders. I didn’t have some of the problems that others had. So hang in there and get it done. I’m here for whatever you need. The clock is ticking.

Artyfartblast profile image

No he was stitched.

You don’t get that choice when done to cure phimosis

TheBoys profile image

No such luck. I wish i had been . I went private to BMI and got a bit butchered.

Artyfartblast profile image

Yeah no complaints!

Nobody can give you any guarantees as to to how your surgery will turn out. All surgery, even that of good surgeons, carries risks. That is why, as a rule of thumb, only have surgery if you need it. If you opt for any surgery, you accept any risks that it might involve.

There are ways of dealing with a short frenulum that do not involve circumcision.

Many guys on here will tell you that they are really pleased with their circumcisions but it would not be fair to you to make you believe that such a good result has been everyone’s experience. Supporting you is not about guaranteeing results that nobody can guarantee.

NorthLondonR profile image

Yeah I didn’t get a choice but I was cut high and loose and my frenulum was completely removed. I’m thinking of getting a revision to make it a bit tighter but I do not want to lose too much of my remaining inner foreskin.

TheBoys profile image

They left it uneven as a cut, with a bit of a tuck/fold/flap. The anaesthetic hadnt totally kicked in so had to be given oxygen..so his flow was interrupted . It wasn't good.. i wish i d gone to someone like Dr Khan who does it morning, noon and night. I ve been given a price for a recirc but to be honest, i ll leave it now..it took nearkyy a year to heal.

Work it out for yourself, phimosis usually means the opening or tip of the foreskin is too tight/constricted to enable retraction comfortably if at all. The objective of surgery is to remove that tight section which straight away determines the cut line position. In addition, if the foreskin cannot be retracted then the surgeon would be unable to perform a sleeve resection type of cut.



So many great and supportive texts, thanks.

Not sure if I made it completely clear but just to recap.

My head is always covered, completely when soft & hard. I have a fair amount of overhang. When hard the head is also completely covered, I can retract it myself but it is a little tight, bunches up behind the head with a fair amount of skin but will then creep forward over my head again. I did have a very short frenulum but have now had a Frenuloplasty to correct this. Still have the issue with too much skin though, it’s unsightly, it makes me feel self conscious too when naked. Wife is in total agreement with me wanting to be circumcised.

I have booked with Dr Khan, yes I’m nervous but also part of me can’t wait.

I am both a shower & also a grower when nervousness is about, hopefully I’d like it to be completely different to what I have now, I do like the fairly high & fairly tight look, but not too extreme. I’ll see what Dr Khan recommends.

He will also be using glue too. 10 days to go! 😳 Looking forward to meeting with him.

I feel a bit more confident now, thank you all.

Local NHS.

BTW, don’t mind me saying but with your many questions and concerns I think you’re at risk of over-thinking it and could be setting yourself up for disappointment if you’re not careful. My advice is to not get hung up on styles as it doesn’t make much difference at the end of the day.

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