It just gets worse and wose and now it looks like this.
Infection?: It just gets worse and wose... - Men's Health Foru...
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Bro calm down it’s bruising ,swelling it happens it’s healing👍
Are you sure? Because it is just getting worse and worse. It is more swollen than before and it is not getting better. I had my surgery on tuesday and it looked Kinda okay yesterday but now I think I’ve just made it worse somehow
Bro it’s only been 3 days it takes at least 2 weeks for you to see any improvement you’ve just had your foreskin cut off and stitched , trust me relax it’s healing👍
Alright, I trust you, you seem more experienced than me who is in panic haha, but is it enough that i shower twice a day with just same water and perfume free soap and just let it wash over it by itself and then just let it dry with a hair dryer? And i usually Walk without underwear to give it air i suppose
I showered every other day you need to let the wound dry out and form a scab so it can heal , I never put any soap on the wound , don’t need an hair dryer let it dry naturally , I couldn’t wear underwear it hurt too much for 2 weeks,
I know it’s scary I was in a panic but yours looks fine , just leave it alone and stop looking at it and touching it , the more you do the more you’re gonna worry.
So how often would you recommend to shower? And is it only want water then?
I personally showered 3 times a week so the wound could heal and yes with water only.
Thank you, and would you recommend sleeping naked with it exposed to the air or do i keep it covered with my quilt or underwear?
Whatever works for you I guess, I slept naked but on my back with knees up and quilt over me too cold a night 🥶.
No matter what you do it’s gonna be uncomfortable bro, especially with the night time erections try not to drink before going to bed it helps to lessen the erections .
It doesn’t look infected to me. If you are getting thick yellow or green puss then go to the doc. Don’t confuse this with watery yellow or rust colored fluid which is lymph fluid which is normal. You have swelling and bruising which is totally normal. Don’t worry man the swelling tends to get a bit worse before getting better.
Alright, i’ll leave it and try not to think about it then, thank you for taking your time to reply, it means alot to me
Yeah I already contacted him and now i have gotten a appointment on monday