I want my frenulum to be much smoother. The lump on my frenulum is not goi g away. I’m not sure if it’s scar tissue but my doctor twice has said to me it will heal in time. The other scar tissue is softening but this isn’t changing. The lump hurts sometimes after masterbation...HOW do I tell my doctor I want it fixed????
Do I have to pay for revision or is i... - Men's Health Foru...
Do I have to pay for revision or is it free? (my frenulum lump)
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Looks like your doc didn’t fully remove your fren when you were cut. You could go back for a revision and make sure that he fully removes the fren this time and also remove the bump of scar tissue that was left. Or a better alternative is to see a plastic surgeon to fix this.
For revision do you usually have to pay? Or is it free cause he was the one that messed up?
I think it depends on the doctor. If you went to a urologist or a clinic then they prob won’t do a revision for free. If you went to a specialist like a plastic surgeon and aren’t happy with the final result they might do a revision for a reduced cost. You mentioned that your doc already looked at it and wasn’t concerned so it sounds like he/she wouldn’t do a revision. Most docs won’t do revision until 6 months anyway.

Wouldn’t removing the frenulum cause loss of sensitivity?
No, I never had any sensitivity when I had my frenulum but after it got removed I have a new sensation and love it so much

When you say remove frenulum: are you talking about the outer part of the foreskin to expose the frenulum or removing the frenulum entirely? I know that the outer part of foreskin is not sensitive, but the inner part is sensitive. Let me know?
No specific area. It’s sensitive in different areas for different guys. Some guys don’t even have sensitive frenulums like me before I got cut. Thank god for circumcision

interesting, was your frenulum pronounced? Generally larger cock heads will have more pronounced frenulums.
The doctor told me I had a big and tough frenulum to remove

This makes sense because your glans is prominent in comparison to your shaft. The diameter of your glans is larger than the diameter of your shaft. Also your glans has a prominent look to it, it’s huge. This would make sense why your frenulum is so prominent.
Your fine, give it more time. I think I have it a lot worst at the moment lol
Ok. Also your head is naturally going to get dried out as a circumcised man. It’s normal for you so don’t worry.
Which scar tissue are you talking about that's getting soft? The line that you had stitches or the inner forskin that was swollen like a ring?
Where I had the glue
Take this for 2 weeks it will make it go away