Today is 8th day. So much pain on morning on this is normal?
Today 8th day: Today is 8th day. So... - Men's Health Foru...
Today 8th day

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Where are you from ? Actually we both have same name !
Looking good . The underneath is the last to heal so it's normal to get some pain in the first week or so.
Firat of all i want to congratulate for best decision it takes a lot courage for this... Urs is absolutely normal dont worry. Am planning for surgery due to recurring infection so pray for me... It seems u have done traditional surgery cut and stitch... I m planning for zsr which believe to be painless so will updte once i go through
Zsr is a best treatment for circumcision. In our area I don't find zsr so then I try this surgery. All the best for your next surgery.
ZSR is painless and best for phimosis. But if you wanna do it for cosmetic reasons tell your doctor clearly about the cut type and appearance that you are expecting. I’ve done zsr. But I didn’t get the expected results
I think Ahmedabad have some clinic for zsr... Coz in rajkot we have so i assume as ur city is bigger then mine
Looking normal. I had mine done 3 weeks ago, but never experienced extreme pain. Some bearable pain was there. And protect your frenulum area, this area heals very slowly. My stitches got dissolved around 15 day on frenulum area, and the area was not healed. So had to deal with open wound. Circumcision looking good. I aslo had very similar
Appears to be healing very well and looks neat
Safety for infection my doctor give me antibiotic first days.Total 10day course of antibiotics.
Now its 1 month post your operation. How're things now ?