I am wanting to get circumcised for a long time now and the doctor I am going to wants to use the Shang ring. I want to retain as much inner for skin as possible. As I would like a very high and tight cut. Can this be done using the Shang ring?
Circumcision using the Shang ring - Men's Health Foru...
Circumcision using the Shang ring
I do care how the scar line will look and I’ve heard that the Shang ring doesn’t really leave track marks like stitch’s. But I’m more concerned about getting the circumcision style I want
I’m located in California and the doctor suggests the Shang ring for faster recovery and better healing

There are a few clinics in the US that more-or-less specialize in adult circumcision. I'd strongly suggest pursuing one of them - they would be most likely to listen to you and try to give you the result you're looking for. As an alternative, if you have the means, the cosmetic results on this site from Dr Kahn in the UK with his skin-glue circumcisions are phenomenal. If I had it to do over again, I'd have flown to London and gotten it done there.
do you reckom dr khan is the best at the thornhill clinic or in uk ?
He has the best and most consistent cosmetic results I've seen of anyone in the UK. I don't believe you get the option of skin glue through NHS, but I'm in the US, so I'm open to being corrected.

I went to that doctor your referring to and I’m still swollen 3 weeks later. SUPER SWOLLEN

which doctor and clinic is it mate ?
I was circumcised by the Shang ring method with a resulting cut being low and loose. I’m happy with the result. You can’t get a high and tight cut with the Shang ring. Also recovery time is no quicker, 6 weeks. As a circumcision via forceps method.
My recommendation would be to get a second opinion before you make the final decision.
Thank you for your reply looks like I won’t be doing the Shang ring then since I’d like a high and tight cut
who did it for you mate? are you happy with your outcome and would advise shangring ?
Yes I’m really happy with my circumcision. Smooth scar, a low and loose cut, looks Amazing and performs perfectly.
Consider other options if you can. Another device called ZSR. It’s stitchless, painless and bloodless. It’s a glue based surgery. Recovery is quickest compared to any other device in the market 30-40 days. You can go for high/loose cut to keep as much as 75% of inner foreskin with no complications. Surgery takes less than 5 minutes. Cut is clean and uniform.
My doctor says he does not use the Shang ring because with that device a practitioner cannot visualize exact placement nor exactly how much inner and outer skin is being removed. He also says stich marks/tunnels are the result of stitches being tied far too tight causing poor blood flow to the skin edges during healing.
The sleeve resection method is what you want performed by a talented doctor who specializes in cosmetic circumcision.
This is an image of track marks on a penis from a circumcision done elsewhere that my doctor ended up correcting through revision surgery. It’s called Circumcision Center Atlanta. On his outcome images page, he does a great job explaining the method he uses and the individuals preferences and how he achieved their goals. Men travel from near and far to see him for their circumcisions.
hey i was wondering if we could get in touch to discuss , im in cal too and i think i know what doc ur refering. im considering too.feel free to DM me