Did you ever feel self-conscious abou... - Men's Health Foru...

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Did you ever feel self-conscious about being circumcised or non circumcised growing up?

32 Replies

For those who found themselves as the odd one out or in the minority at school or elsewhere while growing up, how did it make you feel emotionally? Were you embarrassed, nonchalant, proud, envious of others, maybe felt isolated or always happy to share and advise. Do you think it had any impact on your life or affect you psychologically even?

Please share if you’re able (asking for a friend).

32 Replies

Thanks. That's interesting and good to hear it didn't cause you any anxiety when amongst peers. In UK we similarly had communal school showers and I get the impression it isn't so compulsory in schools today as it used to be. As you've now been circumcised years later, what was the motivation for that may I ask? Was there a medical issue or done as a preference and if so did your childhood observations have any influence perhaps?

uncutforeskin profile image

I seen my first circumcised penis when I was in kindergarten at the urinals. I did not understand why my friend did not have a foreskin like me.

uncutforeskin profile image
uncutforeskin in reply to uncutforeskin

The first day of my fourth grade school class, another friend wanted to show me his "circumcision". I had no idea want he was talking about, so we proceeded to the little boys room where my friend dropped his pants and showed me where his doctor had cut off his foreskin during summer vacation. My friend was very proud of his circumcision and proclaimed "He was a MAN." I was appalled at the thought - "why would a doctor cut off his foreskin?" My relationship with my friend soon ended for fear the same would happen to me. Hence, my introduction to "CIRCUMCISION 101".

uncutforeskin profile image
uncutforeskin in reply to uncutforeskin

The summer following my fourth grade class I had the opportunity to witness a young lad's recently circumcised penis at the beach. I was 10 y/o. A lady asked if she could throw her beach blanket next to ours. She proceeded to change her 5 y/o son into his swimming trunks. When she got his pants off the boy came running over next to me and showed me his penis. His penis was a foot from my nose. His glans was a deep purple. He still retained the stitches where his foreskin had been removed. His mother commented that he likes to run around the house naked since having his foreskin circumcised. A conversation ensued between the lady and my mother regarding circumcision. Circumcision 102.

in reply to uncutforeskin

Ew, just a little bit awkward. I wonder if he’s still an exhibitionist?

in reply to uncutforeskin

What does the circumcision 101 & 102 mean?

uncutforesk profile image
uncutforesk in reply to

It's just an expression. In college, classes were designated beginning chemistry = "Chemistry 101". The higher the number the more advanced. Hence " Circumcision 101" was my introductory and first experience with circumcision.

theamos profile image

I was one of two guys uncut in school

I had the usual extra stares in gym class

And a few girls along the way that heard about it and wanted to experience it

Nothing ever negative

in reply to theamos

It sounds like you took it in your stride. Did you enjoy being unique or did it bother you and did you have any desire to be like all the rest?

theamos profile image
theamos in reply to

Once or twice I wanted to be like the rest

But I as I got older I liked mine

I had 2 good friends one was like me the other was cut and we all played around a bit and the cut guy wanted to be uncut

As I got older girls were curious so it got me a few bj and hj and a bit

Of sex with girls wanted to see if there was a difference

In the gay community I’m a unicorn and can get a bj any time I want

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply to theamos

Did they feel the foreskin moving during sex with no condoms?

in reply to At1012

Why would it move during sex?

uncutforesk profile image
uncutforesk in reply to

When I entered 7th grade gym class and the mandatory showers I soon realized that I was the only male that sported a foreskin. I did most of the staring. I was embarrassed. Before dis-robing I would pull my foreskin back so that I would have my glans fully exposed like my classmates. Unfortunately my frenulum was taunt and would pull my foreskin forward covering my glans. I soon wish that I had had let the doctor cut off my foreskin when my mother took me to the clinic at the beginning of summer break.

ireland2020 profile image
ireland2020 in reply to theamos

Are you still uncut?

Probl profile image

I am still in disbelief that i did circumcision. I was feeling that there was like a brick between my penis and girls.

CrackedBear32 profile image

Im 16 now and think I was the only non circumcised one in my friend group- or at least the only one that people knew about. Sometimes the topic of circumcision would pop up at lunch or something at school and everyone would be surprised that I’m not circumcised. I was really embarrassed by it and especially because I had phimosis but no one knew about that. I decided to finally talk to my doctor about circumcision partially due to the phimosis but also a lot of it was because I was sort of made fun of for not being circumcised. I’m only 2 weeks into my circumcision but I felt like I liked being non circumcised better, but we will see once I’m fully healed. All I can say is don’t let anyone make fun of you for being circumcised or not, because it was likely not your choice because you were likely a baby. People will make fun of you either way, just depending on if they are circumcised or not. As long as you can put your dick inside of someone that’s all that matters.

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply to CrackedBear32

I wonder if a dorsal slit would have worked on you.

wlm9700 profile image
wlm9700 in reply to At1012

I wouldn’t like that if I was uncut because I’ve seen them and they look more weird than a regular uncut penis

uncutforesk profile image
uncutforesk in reply to wlm9700

A friend 2 years younger than me had something similar to a "dorsal slit". He showed it to me. Kind of like 2 lateral slits on each side of his penis. I could see his sulcus (groove behind the glans) but he had loose flaps of skin (foreskin) still covering his glans. Maybe just a sloppy circumcision.

Luke1973 profile image

There was only one boy in my circle of friends at school that was circumcised. On our voyage of discovery at age 11/12 a few of us used to masturbate together and inevitably compare things. He had quite a small penis and struggled to masturbate in the same way as the rest of us and almost used to ‘shake’ his penis up and down. Of course he got a bit of ribbing for this but nothing too heavy. One of our other uncut friends got more stick because his dick was so large for his age. I’d imagine he’s having the last laugh now!

bazza13 profile image

I have never understood why a boy wants to look like his father. If the father is missing a finger does the son want to be the same?

bazza13 profile image

I think I would rather lose a finger.

CuriousQ profile image

Nobody enjoys 4 hours of sex. Some of you in here need a reality check.

wlm9700 profile image
wlm9700 in reply to CuriousQ

They deleted it I guess the truth hurts lol

wlm9700 profile image
wlm9700 in reply to wlm9700

Nobody normal lasts even an hour I wouldn’t think

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply to wlm9700

Everybody enjoys different things but 4 hours of constant sex? Ouch.

wlm9700 profile image
wlm9700 in reply to CuriousQ

I couldn’t imagine cut or uncut wouldn’t get sore and hurt after even an hour they both probably would hurt

wlm9700 profile image

When I was in middle and high school we just changed they quit doing to showers but talking to friend everyone except 1 was circumcised just like me so showers wouldn’t be so bad I guess

I was embarrassed at school not due to my foreskin but I didn’t start puberty until I was about 15. My penis was tiny no pubes and disappeared into my pubic fat just leaving a little scrunched up foreskin. I doesn’t help I have always been overweight.

gr2020 profile image

I've always been self-conscious about being uncut. I've always thought I was the only uncircumcised person I know and I've always wondered if women would be turned off by it. But after being with many, many women since a teenager, I can confidently say not one, ever, has had any issues with me having a foreskin. Not one. And as I'm older now, I've come to find out that being uncut is waaaaaaaaaay more common than I originally thought. I still went ahead and made the decision to be circumcised but to anyone wondering about this stuff: 1) MANY men are uncircumcised. 2) The vast majority of women don't care, especially if they are into you.

Uncutdad profile image

Well we are uncut fam. Dad,2 brothers , nephews. That’s all we knew until peeing with the neighbor boys. I guess we were as curious as they were. One boy said his dad told him he could never have sex with a foreskin so that was the reason for his circ. I was 1 of 3 uncuts in my class. I got the usual comments “anteater, cheese dick, dog dick ( which makes no sense appearance-wise). My older brothers said just ask them “why are you so interested in my cock, or Gee I take a bath I guess your mom figured you would be too lazy to bathe”.

Anyway one of the 3 uncut guys was hung. I mean a 6” dangler. He was the class “horse”. No one teased him. We had open gang showers open trough urinals.

I know for a fact i had warmer cock in the Minnesota winters, we had outdoor PE hockey.

My son is intact and I hope he carries on.

No girl I was ever with had any negative comments, on the contrary they all said oh cool and said i was the first intact I’d seen. Some said circ was equivalent (kinda) to cutting off the clitoral hood. ( They can get smegma too) and that isn’t done.

pentire2 profile image

In UK a circumcised guy is nearly always in the minority in communal changing rooms or showering. I really don't mind being the token cut guy sometimes. I feel uncuts are missing out! 🤣

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