I had some lovely comments about my flaccid penis photo last week and I have been asked by a few people to put up a photo of my erect penis. Here it is, and of course I’d be very interested to hear any feedback, especially about my circumcision.
My erect penis: I had some lovely... - Men's Health Foru...
My erect penis
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Hi Peter, that's really nice looking you have a really good Flair to the head it definitely gets bigger after circumcision and you can see any scar line whatsoever a really good result. you should be very happy with it and your partner must be to. I hope mine looks that good after that many years being circumcised. Thanks Peter
Thank you for your lovely comments. It’s funny how they look different at different times - usually I think my scar is reasonably prominent but it’s not that clear in this photo. As I’ve said elsewhere here I can’t speak for others but my glans penis definitely increased in size. Thanks again.
A great advert for the benefits of circumcision Peter! Anyone would be very proud of such an endowment.
Thank you so much. Very kind of you. It is a real benefit being circumcised and our boys think so too. Thanks again.
What a neat circumcision! Beautiful circumcised penis. A masterpiece to be proud of!!
Yes I am very very pleased with what was done. It was a huge disappointment to Natasha and I when we heard that my circumciser had retired and couldn’t circumcise our eldest but fortunately we found someone just as good for both our boys. Thank you so much for your kind comments.

Hello Peter135, How old were your boys when you had them circumcised?
Hi there. They were both about 2 weeks old.
Impressive manly dick .
Thank you very much. I’m not worried about it being ‘manly’ to be honest, but I do love how tightly I’m circumcised.
Doesn't matter. Only lubrication will matter
Actually I hardly ever use lube. I’ve never felt I’ve needed it. I use it occasionally for variety.
What a great looking penis! Awesome!!!
Thanks very much. Very kind of you.
You dont have to use lube .Lube should come out from the vagina to make the entry slippery
Hi Peter, yes what a Great penis and as they used to say on TV you can't even see the join !! Looks even bigger as you are clean shaven, hope your wife likes the end results no scar at all very clean,if I had the conference to get mine cut I would be very happy with the result but each surgeon if different so I hope the boys are cut as well as yours
Thanks very much - very kind comments. Funnily enough the scar is noticeable - it just doesn’t appear to be in this photo. It is visible in the photo of it flaccid I put up last week - take a look. Natasha loves it! The boys have excellent circumcisions. They too have no shaft skin movement. Their cuts are higher than mine. We are all very happy with our circumcisions.
You sound as if you’d like to be circumcised? What’s holding you back?

At my age and with my penis all working ok they wouldn't do it free so would have to pay
Fair enough. I had to pay for myself and for the boys to be circumcised but I suppose that when we had it done it was like an investment for my whole adult life and the boys’ whole lives. It was definitely worth it for us.

My wife has always wanted me to get cut, did yours or was it medical? Were the boys done at a young age ? Then you had it done later in life!
I was circumcised as a baby and elected to have a second circumcision when I was 20 as I wanted it tightened up and I wanted my frenulum removed. Natasha already liked me being circumcised - she had never had an uncircumcised lover before - but she loves it even more with no skin movement. The boys were circumcised as babies because we wanted them to be - there was no medical reason. I felt that I had benefited from being circumcised all of my life and wanted the boys to have the same.
I meant to say in the above post that Natasha had never had a CIRCUMCISED lover before!

Didn't know you can get circumcised twice, I thought you get cut then that's it !?!
It's well worth getting circumcised, even if you have to pay!
I agree with both of your replies. I’m so glad that I’ve been circumcised all of my life. I actually really liked it before my revision but took the opportunity to make it even better. Natasha and I didn’t want our boys to have any time wasted, hence our decision to circumcise them soon after birth. They are happy with it too. Our elder boy is now 16 and has said that he will have his sons circumcised.
Yes you can have more skin removed. That’s what I had.
Nice cut. Why did you cut?
Haven’t measured it for years! Although it’s big I am not that concerned about size, although I love the fact that my glans penis has got bigger since my revision. I am much more interested in my circumcision. I’m so pleased that I got it cut exactly how I wanted it.

That's great. I feel the head of my penis got bigger too when I'm full and flexing my penis.
Looks great. I love it. I hope I can get mine looking as good as yours after my re-circumcision in a few months time.
Thanks very much. I’m glad you like it - I do too! I remember when I had my revision I measured it erect and measured how much skin I wanted removed and gave my circumciser all the details. It worked out perfectly.
Beautiful fuking dick man
Hi Peter,
Your penis looks great. I love the transition between the shaft skin to the inner lining of the foreskin. Visually I love the prominent veins. Out of curiosity, did you always have that curve in your penis? Before you had your second circumcision did you have that curve in your penis while erect? Some men have it congenitally while in other cases it is caused by a mismatch of tissue removal. The curve is not a bad thing at all as some people really like them.
It’s very very nice
I would be curious to see the underside erect as well.
Thanks very much. Those are really lovely comments. I wondered if the skin would be too tight for you.
I’ve always had that curve even before my second circumcision - I actually really like it. Not sure if it’s congenital or due to the fact that my first circumcision was fairly tight too.
I will put up a photo of the underside erect in a few days time.
I’m really glad you like it. Thank you again for your comments.

It looks like it would be to tight for me, but it really depends. In my case, I am a grower, so I need extra skin when flaccid to have an erection that is uninhibited. The pictures you saw of my penis on this forum were taken after a few months of restoring the foreskin. My erections used to be way worse. I would feel pain when ejaculating it was so tight and I used to push on the pubic fat after ejaculating. Prior to restoring erections were almost impossible for me to obtain as they caused so much discomfort. I am just curious, do you feel any discomfort from your tight circumcision? How much skin movement do you have when flaccid? Also do you have any skin movement when erect?
Also I wanted to say that I really like how secure your glans appears in reference to your shaft. You do not appear to have any skin bridges or adhesions. Did you have the doctor fix any adhesions or skin bridges in your second circumcision?
I have almost no skin movement when flaccid and none at all when erect. I feel no discomfort when erect. In fact I really like the tight feeling. I am probably more a shower than a grower so that probably helps.
Thank you for your comments about my penis. No, I had no adhesions fixed. I have been very lucky with my circumcisions and I hope yours continues to improve.

You are definitely a CL-1 then. I was a CL-0 before restoring. My penis is no longer a CL-0, which is so nice. Tightness is completely relative.
I’d never heard of these terms before today. So is CL-0 basically when it’s uncomfortably tight?

Sorry it’s CI-0. I call it a botched circumcision where they removed to much skin whereas a CI-1 is not necessarily botched as some would have a preference for it. Just imagine not waking up with erections ever. That’s where I was for 16 years of my life. I used to take viagra before restoring. Notice how you like your circumcised penis. Nobody would want a penis that needs viagra the majority of the time in order to get erect. To me that is the difference. I am just so happy that I solved my problem. I am now between a CI-1 and CI-2. I want to make it to a CI-4.
I am very happy that you’ve solved it too. Very pleased.
Hot circ 👍 lovely and tight.
Thank you very much. Glad you like it.
u hv such a fabulus dick..i m jealous of u ..lol...i would go for revision of cim surgery to get like u
Thank you so much for your lovely comments. Why don’t you get revision? I did, all went well, and I’m super happy with it.

i was cim..4 weeks ago..doc has asked to wait for 3 months before going for corrective surgery....does tight cut shorten the length...did u get the skin attached at shaft cut...i had sex after cim( after 4 weeks)..i noticed that scrotom skin was not allowing me to penetrate my full length into her...please suggest on length part...i dont want to loose length for anything
I don’t feel having a tight circumcision has shortened my penis. But I am probably a shower rather than a grower. You might need to leave a bit more skin on if you are a grower. My sons are circumcised very tightly and also report no problems with it, but again they are showers. My scrotum skin does come on to my penis but I have no trouble with penetration.
you dont hv fernlum, right
That’s correct. I had my frenulum removed when I had my second circumcision.
Very nice cock they did a really good job on it mate
Thank you so much - very kind of you. We are very pleased with what my circumciser did.
Excellent results, nice dick and hot flared head! I wish to have that type of circ like you have, mate. Unfortunately I've got ultra low cut.
Thank you so much for your lovely comments. Very kind of you. I love the fact that my glans penis got bigger after my second circumcision.
Is there a chance that you could have a revision? How much shaft skin movement do you have?
Yeah, my glans is bigger now too.
There is no any chance to get revision. I had two surgery and few laser treatment for scar, from ugly medium and loose to perfect ultra l&t. Im happy that my dick is no longer ugly anymore, but I wished to have high style...
Almost nothing inner left, shaft skin is very tight so it's impossible to get any revision Im done.
Perfection , how long did it take to reach this stage ?
Ah thank you so much - such a lovely comment. Don’t know how much you’ve read but I was circumcised as a baby and had a revision when I was 20. I’m now 43. I recovered very quickly so I’ve been like this for quite a while. My scar has clearly faded though I do still have one - it’s just not that clear in this photo.
Peter wow! Incredible. Nicest cut penis I've seen.
Thank you so much for your kind comment. I’m glad you like it.
Looks very similar to mine. I was 38 when I was circumcised. I asked for a tight procedure and got just that. Problem was that I lost about half an inch as the skin was so tight when erect. But it is a great feeling. I took up serious jelquing a year back. I have gained an inch plus width. I love it now, so does my wife.
I love the tightness of my circumcision. I asked for very tight and I got very tight. My partner Natasha absolutely adores it. Im very pleased that you and your wife love yours.
I am about to get it done at 38. ( had UTIs an yeast infection). How bad is the pain? How long until I can do manual labor would you guess?(I realize everyone heals at different rates). When did you first try to have an orgasm?
Hi there. I was circumcised as a baby and had a revision when I was 20 for cosmetic reasons. I had 2 injections in my penis - they hurt a bit but not that much - no worse than injections from a dentist. I had no pain afterwards - literally none. I went back to work the next day. I could have gone back the same day, but I don’t do manual labour. Recovery was fairly quick. Just do exactly as the doctor advises.
I masturbated about 2 weeks later but only by rubbing the glans penis - you don’t want to disturb the wound or stitches. Now my glans penis has been exposed for 20 years so it had desensitised but your glans penis may be too sensitive for masturbation at this stage - some people here have found it painfully sensitive at first. That will get better before too long. (Incidentally my 2 sons were circumcised as babies and recovered quickly, though I think that’s common for babies.)
I was lucky with how it all went and as you say we all heal at different rates. But I am not unusual in recovering quickly- a lot of men get circumcised and it all goes so successfully they have no need to post on here.
I hope that helps a bit. When are you getting circumcised?
Your circumcision healed very good.
Yes I was very lucky. The boys healed well too though I think it does tend to heal when performed on babies.
well!! 135Peter it looks like a beautiful cock that could do the job to anyone you wish
Thank you very much. I just do the job with my partner Natasha and we both enjoy it very much.
Your cock looks great hard too, very nice!
Thanks very much. Very kind of you.
Nice result and looks to be working lol hair free as well to show him off just the way it should be my Mrs Dosent allow any fur down stair lol enjoy
Thanks very much. I occasionally grow my hair but I’m usually shaven. My partner doesn’t mind either way. She alternates too - at the moment she has pubic and armpit hair.
Good good I prefer hair free as I only get a bj that way hair would give her the boak and me having to finish myself lol so hair remover weekly lol go and get a pa piercing it will make him look good and hit her spot i know lol
We talked years ago about penis piercings - I strongly considered it for a while. In the end I decided not to. We like people seeing it on beaches and their first thought being ‘he’s circumcised’. I wouldn’t want their first thought to be something else. Circumcision is more important to me and to Natasha.
I have both lol just back from fuerteventura and all over tan lol one couple did ask and guy is only 23 hes away home to get one 2/3 weeks recovery go get one that big bell end needs jewelry lol
I think I like my glans penis totally uncovered! No foreskin, no piercing. Glad you like yours.
i’d suck it
Ha-ha so would my partner Natasha. But I appreciate the compliment. Thanks.
Mee too!
can you post more
This is how I want mine to look
Nicely done! What’s the reasoning behind removing the frenulum? Juet curious as I didn’t know we had a choice in that, mine is still there but I do like how it came out-see profile for picture.
Thanks very much. I wanted my frenulum removed as I thought it would look better. I think it does. It was never especially sensitive anyway and as it happens my sensitivity has increased in that area since which is a very nice bonus. Your penis looks great.
Love the neatness of no visible scar.
Thanks. My scar has faded though it is still visible, but not very much in this photo. Personally I would have liked the scar to have been more prominent but one can’t have everything!
Fuckin hell. If I had that i would be off my anti depressants. Im sort of extremely depressed now.
Looks great! Any chance I could get the name of your SD urologist?
You have a great looking penis. It looks strong and stands proud.
Where is your original picture of the flaccid penis?
Normal looking erection that I wish I could obtain too...@
Wow stunning
An excellently circumcised penis.