Why and any way of revealing head more. - Men's Health Foru...

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Why and any way of revealing head more.

JaneDoe12 profile image
26 Replies

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When I was younger I would never be able to pull my foreskin back. Around passed 14 I finally could pull it back under alot of stress only to find a very alien looking penis. It seemed my skin was still attached all over my head. Over time I managed to slowly pick and peel back the skin to find odd pus like substance under the surface of the skin i pulled apart on the head of my penis when attempting to pull attached foreskin further off head. I made alot of progress say the least. Ill post images to show what progress Ive made. Heres more links for better visualization. Am applying force on penis to act as erection. Why and what is this?? Thanks! gyazo.com/f25341509949e0389...








any help would be much appreciated! Just turned 18 and been waiting so long to be able to upload and ask about this! Im afraid to tell parents or anyone I know. I hide myself away from all my friends. I have no drive anymore, I wanted to live a teen life playing with girls and hanging with friends but I feel like there is no point since I would never actually go to far with a girl because they would probably make fun out of this and tell others and ruin my life :(. Hopefully this can help others!

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JaneDoe12 profile image
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26 Replies
MrMac99 profile image

Hi Man, you have a very tight frenulum and you had phimosis that can be very difficult to retract your foreskin you are lucky you are able to now, it can take a lot of perseverance to do that. I had something very similar when I was growing up with my frenulum it was always tight for me it would pull down on my head and was quite painful when i got little cuts it's fairly common I think to have a tight banjo and it can break. mine did eventually and it's released the head which was great but at the same time I had developed LS which meant I needed a circumcision.

But in your case is simple procedure called a frenuloplasty would release the frenulum and everything would look and feel great when it is heal up.

Go to your GP and he will give you a referral to get it done. don't be afraid to tell your parents your dad would be annoyed with you if you didn't tell him when you have a problem and he might be able to give you advice, who knows he could have had the same problem when he was your age.

And it's always good to talk with your best mates you might be surprised they could have problems too you know.

And you're only 18 you have loads of time to play with girls, and I think any girl would be very impressed with your tool so don't put yourself down in anyway there's nothing to be embarrassed about.

get yourself sorted Man

JaneDoe12 profile image
JaneDoe12 in reply to MrMac99

I can not thank you guys enough for the support! My mindset completely changed on this subject after reading these comments and doing some research on what you folks have said. If I manage to get to a GP what would be the questions I would want to ask? And I think me being underweight may be affecting the look of my penis not sure. Im 5'11 and 125 pounds pretty thin. I bought a new bench press and barbell and hopefully I can start putting on some healthy weight! And I have noticed on the top of the shaft under the head a little (opposite side of penis hole) I have skin still attached to the head giving it a flatter look. Is there anyway I can stretch that skin off and make the head maybe a little more distinct? gyazo.com/ed32ef68e89019531... as seen in link. I feel like age will eventually make everything look more normal. Once again thanks for all your help everyone!!

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply to JaneDoe12

Hi Man, that's no problem we are here to help one another and talk about our problems that's what this forum is for Man, it's always good to share our problems sometimes it can be easier to talk with strangers you will always find different advice and views it's up to you to decide then which one you want to follow.

You should go to your GP and have a chat with him just say to him you have a problem with your frenulum it is to tight and tell him your concerns he might give you completely different advice to those hear on this forum, but I think he probably would refer you on to a urologist who specialises in that area. You could say to your parents or your dad about it as well just to let him know I am sure he will understand and will help.

The skin on your last photo could be pulled by your frenulum on the other side of your glans if that's was released I think it might help and then try stretching the skin it will stretch over time.

You must be very skinny you are quite tall and very light the weightlifting will be a big bonus for you, you will need to eat more food though especially protein and calories to put on muscle loads of guys or skinny at your age you will fill out in time.

JaneDoe12 profile image
JaneDoe12 in reply to MrMac99

Im really afraid to open up to my parents im not really sure why but maybe its because of the money issues. I really dont know if they could even cover a check up. I want to get a job but i feel really uncomfortable in my current shape, I would like to gain some weight and muscle first. Im quite frail. I really got sick of every time i go out people mentioning how skinny my arms are (literally every time). Me hiding my self away from society - games and my computer became my friend and I lost any muscle I had. Now i'm deadly thin arms, jello legs and unattractive body fat from eating sloppy and not exercising. I'm ready to change and have been eating much cleaner and began attempting to strength train. I'm going to post more images for others to see and understand, hopefully be able to relate and hopefully your guys comments can really help others out aswell that are experiencing what I am :).






Thank you and good luck others!

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply to JaneDoe12

Don't worry man I know you don't want to burden your parents but they are your parents and they care about you. I'm sure that you can save up and visit your GP and maybe that's as far as you will need to go, and even if you did have to go somewhere else depending on where you live the health service could be free.

That's really great that you have decided to change your lifestyle this will be one of the best thing you will ever do. if you start slowly and build yourself up I think the strength training the whole body would be really good for you where you only need your own body weight to train, when you get into it you won't want to stop it's like a drug you will feel better about yourself when you see results.

in reply to JaneDoe12

So glad you’re feeling better. We’ve all had our own issues about various things. I used to be really skinny too. Now my tummy is a bit bigger than I would like - that’s the beer’s fault! Wish I was skinny again. Go to your doctor and explain everything to them. If you can’t think what to say then tell them what you’ve told us on this site. He or she will have heard and seen all sorts of things before and will want to help. Best of luck. Keep us informed as we are here to encourage and offer constructive advice.

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply to JaneDoe12

Hi Man, just had a look at your post again I was just wondering where abouts your meatus is positioned is it on the tip of your glans are slightly underneath towards your frenulum. it's not very clear from your photos.

JaneDoe12 profile image
JaneDoe12 in reply to MrMac99

gyazo.com/e0bec032bbe450d61... I hope this helps you understand better.

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply to JaneDoe12

Yeah that's where I thought it was it's called hypospadias glandular it's of No Harm to you it's just your meatus is in slightly the wrong position. you also have some skin tags or adhesions to your glans and your frenulum is slightly tight none of these are any harm to you I don't think they will affect you having intercourse with anyone. whenever you get to see your GP you can ask him about these things they are nothing to be worried about if you want in the future you can have these things sorted out if you really want to.

JaneDoe12 profile image
JaneDoe12 in reply to MrMac99

Wow interesting! Thank you for bringing this to my attention. The adhesion thing, I once had skin attached all over my head and I noticed I could start tearing and peel the skin back which I did revealing alot of my head. I think the skin adhesion are left over from that im not sure if I can still peel more of it away from my head but that is where my insecurity about my penis is. I saw your circumcised penis and it looks great by the way. I seem to lack that head dentition everything seems alot flatter and more attached to the shaft idk if that makes since. Yeah I know my penis will operate fine I dont experience pain or anything. But if I was a chick i sure as hell would want to see my penis again :/ thats the part that really fucks with my mentality. I circled what I think the adhesion's your talking about in blue.



Is that what you mean about the adhesion?

And this the tight frenulum









Ive been stretching gently around the frenulum lately and trying to put healthy weight on hopefully that may help. I know a GP would be best but I doubt i would end up going to one :/. And I read that getting hypospadias glandular is 3-3/1000

adc.bmj.com/content/archdis... Is this really a disease or am I looking at the wrong sources?

Thanks for your help!

JaneDoe12 profile image
JaneDoe12 in reply to JaneDoe12

Do doctors usually see this at birth or does this fly over their head usually.

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply to JaneDoe12

Hi, your penis is not to bad I wouldn't worry to much about meeting girls I'm sure they would be very happy with your tool. I think they would be more worried about their insecurities than how your penis looks . you're adhesion are not bad and your frenulum is a bit tight. I would continue with the stretching but don't overdo it.

if things don't improve you could get your frenulum released. your hypospadias is also mild case it is unusual, it would usually be picked up by the doctors and nurses when you are an infant but if your foreskin was not retractable maybe it was missed. You could ask your dad about it he probably does know about it you should just mention it. I know you're not in a position to see your GP at the moment but maybe in the future you will it's not something to worry about everything will work fine for you and your penis looks great as far as I am concerned you would have no problems. And thank you man.

JaneDoe12 profile image
JaneDoe12 in reply to MrMac99

Yeah I know it looks quite normal until strain is on it. I know I just over think this alot.. When the frenulum is released would I lose sensation? I heard about people doing frenulum tying at home. Bad idea? And all these operations they wouldnt add dead looking skin to my penis right?

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply to JaneDoe12

Frenulum tying probably would be bad idea. I had a tight frenulum eventually it broke it's not something you would want happening even though it does happen to lots of guys I think I've heard stories about it. when mine broke it released the head it felt great after it healed. I didn't loose any Sensation and there was no dead skin or anything like that I healed up very well. don't be afraid to ask your dad's advice he would want you to.

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply to MrMac99

What symptoms did you experience when having a tight frenulum? I was trying to figure out if I have that problem.

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply to At1012

Hi, when I was fully erect it used to pull my head down which would make it very uncomfortable, and I have a slight Curve it used to make that worse I think as well. sometimes it could be quite sore either with sex or masturbation and I used to get little cuts sometimes which would make it even tighter eventually my frenulum broke which relieved the tightness and released the head when I was erect, but some of my problem was because I had LS which made things worse for me.

From some of your photos it does look tight but maybe if you try stretching it will improve and if you can go to your GP and have it checked they may be able to advise you differently. Hope this helps in some way.

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply to MrMac99

I think you were talking the OP’s frenulum lol? I haven’t posted any pictures yet, but thank you for the info. I was circumcised as an infant, but they left me with my frenulum, which is very sensitive.

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply to At1012

Hey, I was Man sorry 🙄 I think it probably would be different for you then, my frenulum was removed with my circumcision. I think sometimes when you're done as an infant they do leave the frenulum do you have a loose circumcision when they left your frenulum? it would be a very sensitive area. is it sore or painful?

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply to MrMac99

Well they cut off the foreskin first without breaking the adhesions, which leaves the inner foreskin and frenulum intact. What is interesting is that I have a remnant of the ridged band that is attached to the frenulum, which is fascinating because below that remnant is 1 mm of shaft skin followed by scrotal skin, which sucks in some ways, but in other ways I was lucky. Unfortunately they removed just about all of my shaft skin, so I have been restoring for the last 4 months. It appears that I have some skin bridges and adhesions as well. After 4 months of expanding my skin, it is a world of difference, but now I am wondering if maybe my frenulum being tight was the problem all along lol. The frenulum is very sensitive and I am so glad that it was not touched. Also this small remnant of the ridged band helps me to detect when orgasm will happen to some degree. My cut is so strange lol.

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply to MrMac99

Also is the frenulum supposed to be very tight upon erection?

MrMac99 profile image
MrMac99 in reply to At1012

That sounds quite interesting you should put a post up with some photos and see what reaction you get. there may be other guys here that had similar experiences and may be able to advise you. your frenulum shouldn't be uncomfortable at anytime.

At1012 profile image
At1012 in reply to MrMac99

Thank You. I have never bled or anything. I think it was because of not having enough skin. Although I have lots of marks on my glans. I may post a picture of that.

Hi there. I agree with everything that has been said above. Go and see a doctor and get it sorted. Your state of mind will improve and therefore your life will improve. And you have a very nice penis. It has a good length, girth and shape. Get it sorted and the girls are going to love it!

uncutforeskin profile image

Hello JaneDoe12, I experienced the same problem as a teen. My mother took me to a doctor when I was 12 to have my foreskin circumcised. Fortunately, it did not happen. Instead the doctor stretched my foreskin with a forceps. My frenulum was still taunt as it would pull my glans down and back when I fully retracted my foreskin. However, over time the frenulum did stretch. BTW, you have a very lovely looking penis.

Penis size & shape looks fine buddy, they all come in different shapes n sizes 👍🏽

Tedboyg profile image

Your dick looks fine trust me first time you use it it will be fine and make a mess to remember and size is good and enjoy what you have m8

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