I wanna do foreskin restoration
My cutcock: I wanna do foreskin... - Men's Health Foru...
My cutcock

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Looks a ok to me
Looks good. What age did you get cut?
My mother had me done as a baby
Dude, you have 4 posts about your penis. One more and you may actually get the answer you’re looking for
My bad
I agree it should be against the law to circumcise men!!..god designed us with features for a purpose and reason!!!
They left you with a lot of inner foreskin
How long is the inner foreskin on an uncut guy? I’ve heard that it is long enough to take up the whole shaft of penis.
Can you post a pic in a flaccid state please?
Skin can stretch a lot. One only has to look at the large rings north african women put in their ears
Why do want to restore your foreskin? I did it to mine and can't stand the results.
Hi, I finished restoring a couple of years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. I regained so much sensation as well as a feeling of completeness. I highly recommend it!
Are you feeling like you're missing out? Or do you get alot of pleasure from sex? You could always try and if you don't like it get circumsicef again. Or just try manhood or some similar device.
Pm meFor ideas
Hello,ive just joined this forum. I started restoring my foreskin 4 years ago with the well known device called the dual tension restorer. Im having great success so far,im half way to having full flaccid coverage. I average about 2-3 hours per day under tension,some days i take a break but ive mostly stuck to the routine of daily restoring. It takes patience and time but im estimating i will have full flaccid coverage in another 2 years time.