I’m on day 12 and have just taken a bath. Two of the stitches have fallen out and as you can say we in the picture, when I pull a little there is a gap where they used to be. The gap is also visible when my penis is not upright. What should I do? (The doctor is now shut due to it being Easter)
Stitches fell out prematurely? - Men's Health Foru...
Stitches fell out prematurely?

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Apply Activon- medicated Honey apply three times a day for 10 days.
If you are worried, you can ring 111 for emergency care.
I know it looks scary mate but don’t panic. I too had a stitch that caused my incision line a lot of irritation just like yours. Over the first 4 weeks it was worse that yours is now. The gap will eventually be covered again by yellow fluid. I would not apply anything at all on it. I’d keep it clean (by dabbing it with cotton pads and sterilised water) once a day and then dry as much as possible.
Do not keep touching it of pulling it apart to see if there is a gap under the scab. Just leave it and take time off work for it to scab over nicely if you can. Naked and uncovered is best if you can.
Mine did the same underneath and is currently healing similarly but im just letting it scab and heal and hopefully it will close up
It's cool don't panic give time keep clean dry and as much as you can non erect hard lol but been there were T shirt and was wanking at time cause could not wait still healed no dramas