Hi, my husband was circumcised 7 days ago due to phimosis. Currently he is finding it really difficult. This forum has helped to see he is not experiencing anything out of the ordinary but he is struggling. Before the op his foreskin would retain water after urinating and post op the situation with passing water still being unruly and dribbling afterwards is making him think nothing has improved or ever will. Have others experienced dribbling after finishing a wee? He is 7 days post op. Other than that it all looks great. Still swollen but going down, less red and the weeping has finished. Thanks
Weeing post circumcision: Hi, my... - Men's Health Foru...
Weeing post circumcision

It took a solid 3-4 weeks post surgery for me to return to normal in terms of urination. Swelling (internal) makes things quite an adventure for a while.
Tell your husband to sit down on the toilet while urinating.. it doesn’t help fighting the condition it will get better after 30 days best results will be after 60 days
Thank you. He does that but it has started to leak a little afterwards in his underwear and he is struggling with that.
I think part of the problem is it is difficult to give it a shake after peeing due to sensitivity. Definitely sit down and relax, do not 'force' it, then a gentle shake and dab with tissue paper.
I have heard some men use pads for a short while afterwards
The dribble is due to the swelling. I found it that if I just sat on the toilet and just waited 3-5 min after I pissed was beneficial. The dribbling gets better but can take as long as 60 days for the swelling to fully subside. Tell him to take a breather it will all get better. I’m almost 5 months post op and I still dribble a tiny bit.