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What about other men's health issues? - Men's Health Foru...
What about other men's health issues?

I think you're right about how some of us deal with ED (or don't), Nowhard. The new penis forum is the place for this - it would be great to get a topic other than circumcision discussed (!) so why not post something? Thanks,
Did an ED forum ever open up in the Penis Forum? So far all I find is circumcision.
When we set this up it was intended as a place to discuss ED and all penis issues but I must admit it has become a little cicurmcision-focused. Why don't you start a thread and see how it goes…
Its true that circumcision seems to be a big issue, but adult circumcision is more prevalent than thought i guess and there is literally no real support or guidance to guys so this is a good resource.
I would just open a thread and see what happens.
A sensitive topic but informative
I’ve started a new chat that relates to pornography and sex issues. It seems to be going well with a number of chats started there.
Let's talk ED
I've struggled for a few years now after TURPS procedure for enlarged prostate
Prescribed 100mg sildenafil but get a terrible headache so break them in half. Much better
Try not to watch too much porn
It is terrific but I know I shouldn't
I don't have sex anymore just wank
Let's see some other stories

I had the same surgery and now I don't ejaculate do you ejaculate at all I would like to know