I was made stop my hormone patches 3 months ago. About 3 weeks after stopping I began having all over body drenching sweats, I have to change my clothes and bedding sometimes and they make me very nauseated. These don't happen just at night but during the day as well...I'm nearly 24/7 in a sweat. Has anyone found anything natural that helps with this? I had to stop hrt because of a meningioma i had last year. The drs said that hormone treatment could make it come back so I have to find natural remedies......this is killing me, I'm exhausted from lack of sleep, I wake up about 3 in morning with sweat, nausea and anxiety.
drenching sweats: I was made stop my... - Menopause and Per...
drenching sweats
Hey there, I have had a lot of this in the past and have two things I’ve learned.
1. I had undiagnosed autoimmune thyroid so was severely hypothyroid which often makes people very cold but in me I was a full body sweater. Once up to the right dose of thyroid hormones this disappeared.
2. I just did the Zoe nutrition programme and realised I could control my sweats by controlling my blood glucose. Much of my sweating was related to my body reacting and over reacting to certain foods. I’m now following a paleo/low carb diet.
That said when I am pre menstrual there is absolutely nothing that helps I have a few hellish nights. Always been like that. I’ve found viscose pyjamas dry better and don’t stay soggy. Natural wool pillow helps a lot with sweaty/head/neck and having a spare to switch to. Mattresses with foam toppers are like sleeping in a bin bag, so over time I saved up and bought wool topper and duvet that stay cool in summer and warm in winter. At its worst I sleep on a bath towel I can change. 🌱
Thanks for answering, I have hypothyroidism, my levels are ok as last tests about a month ago. Will look into diet.
Like you, due to cancer recently I am not able to take HRT. Just be careful with the natural remedies as many mimic oestrogen which is why they work so check with your specialist if you are able to take those. I have not found any natural ones with good evidence of working which are not oestrogen mimic ones yet.